Saturday, July 30, 2011

Go 2hotty It's Your Birthday!!

So I know this is suppose to be Wedding Week (sorry I left you hanging......I'm extending it for another week!) but it just so happens to be somebodies birthday today!!

That somebody is the peanut butter to my jelly........the ying to my yang (ooh that kinda sounds dirty).........the bee to my hunny............the.........OK maybe I'll stop now before it gets out of control!

He's not only the most caring, charming, trustworthy, and funny person I know but he's also my best friend, a wonderful husband and overall great life partner!!!  If I was to chose again.......I would still chose him...........without a doubt in my mind!!!

I could not have asked for another person to spend the rest of my life with (God you did SO good......oh thank you thank you thank you!!!) 

Not only does he make me week in the knees but he also has to put up with a girl like me!! That my friends takes an extra.....EXTRA.....special person!! You know times when I get in a mood........a BAD one!! He knows how to wipe the tears from my face and turn my frown upside down!  He never gives up on me and knows exactly how to love me!! I am forever grateful and hope I do half as good of a job as he does for me!!

I hope this year brings you a whole bunch of health, a lot more wealth, even some luck, a big new truck, fun adventures, maybe some home ventures?!?!, wonderful experiences, no interference(s), a hole in one, some fun in the sun, small and big presents, total independence, joyous memories.................and maybe even some babies (GASP........well maybe just one baby)!!!
OK just for you I took a stab at poetry but obviously its totally a hot mess and a bit Dr. Seussish!!

I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE you to the moon and back babe!!! Seriously, your love meter must be totally broken from all the love I have for you!!! It just can't handle this kind of pure love!!!  Our love is like a hybrid car.........its never running on empty..........when it comes to the love that we have for each other its always FULL!! (oh the cheesiness......gotta love it!!)

So I hope today and forever and always you feel the same way.......I hope you feel all the LOVE that I have for you.......and all the love your friends and family have for you!!!  You deserve every stinkin ounce of it!!

Happy 31st Birthday!!!

xoxo Your Girl!

Oh here is where I got artsy fartsy with his birthday gift this year!! Totally golf know for his most favorite hobby in the world (he promises not to get all Tiger Woods on me though!!):

Home made card made my moi:

oh and this too:

Instead of getting him flowers (he's to macho for flowers) I made him a vase filled with things he would enjoy (and not kill)......donuts and golf balls!!


I couldn't find any round donut holes (to make them look more like golf balls) so these had to work!

I also used green crinkle paper instead of real grass (knowing me I would dig out a patch with an aunt hill or something.....haha!)!

and for his main gift he picked out this:

Taylor Made Rescue Burner bought from HERE

Anyone up for a round or two?!?!  I think this kid is all set now........well he better be........this stuff ain't cheap..... I'm tellin ya!!!

xoxo Joanna D.

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