Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Everything!!

2hotty and I would like to wish you the happiest of holidays!!

Whatever it is that you celebrate......

I hope that it is filled with lots of LOVE............

lots of HAPPINESS..............

and lots of LAUGHTER...........

2hotty never fails to skip out on the laughter!!! He cracks me up! HA!

This weekend I will be surrounded by family and friends who I cannot wait to laugh with, pray with, and rejoice with!!  I pray the same for you!

Wesolych Swiat!!
Merry Christmas!!

With Love,
Joanna & Scott

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Wardrobe Wish List

Here are my inspiration wardrobe wishes for the upcoming winter months!!

They are from (I love this website.......who needs a fashion stylist when you have polyvore!!)!

I would definitely LOVE to have all of these pieces in my yesterday!!

Just a warning the following pictures will cause you to drool like a teenage boy looking at porn for the first time {quick go grab a napkin :-) }

Casual "shopping" outfit:  The sweater just screams Comfort and Cozy!! I'll take every color!!

Pinned Image

Cocktails with friends outfit: (I would pair this outfit with some black knee high heeled boots.....especially if you live in the Midwest like I do!)

Pinned Image

Holiday Party Outfit: (this outfit looks so classy and timeless!!)

Pinned Image

New Years Eve Party outfit: (HOW FUN?!?!?! LOVE the sparkly shirt and bright red lipstick!)

Pinned Image

Do you have a big puddle of drool on the floor........I warned you!! 
Now I cannot wait to go shopping and find similar items (in my price range!). These are just some inspiration pictures to act as my guide so I actually buy things I NEED (instead of buying random pieces that probably were on sale and will only go with one other thing in my closet.....I do that a lot.....I'm such an impulse shopper!)!!

Do you do the same thing?!?!?! (It's just easier knowing what to look for at the store!!)  Do you have any favorites pieces found on polyvore?!?! Any one know where I can get my hands on one of those cozy sweaters above?!?!?

xo Jo

Missoni Who?????

Were you one of the crazy shoppers camped out at "TarJay" a few months ago when Missoni came out with their Missoni for Target line?!?!?
I guess I shouldn't say crazy......more like dedicated!!  It is Missoni after all!
I love when designers come out with their discounted lines.......SO genius!!
It was funny when 2hotty read the news that morning on Yahoo.  His exact words were "Missoni Who?!?!"!!
Ya hunny your not in with the trends if you don't know Missoni fashion!!
That is when I filled him in and jumped on their website to show him (crossing my fingers they would have a few things still left) only to find out that everything was SOLD OUT!!
So naive this one.....I swear.  People camped out for days and here I thought I could jump right on their website......find some items I like......and enter in my CC!! Ya not exactly.
Insert a few weeks (months?!?!) later here!  I jumped online the other day and typed in Missoni in Targets search engine just to see what popped up.  To my surprise they had a few things back in stock and some were even clearanced out!!

WAHOO!! Happy dance.....raise the the dougie.......then dust your shoulders off!!

I found this cute lil thing:

Missoni Fabric Square Pouf - Floral Pattern with M Zizag Piping.Opens in a new window

BEST PART OF IT ALL................The $$$$ tag:
Missoni Fabric Square Pouf - Floral Pattern with M Zizag Piping
Target Missoni all Missoni
- Save $52.01 (65%)

But more on that room later (like after the holidays)!! 

They have a few other things that are adorable as well:

Or for the Techy......This IPAD 2 case is SO cute ( I want one......but first I need an IPAD2!!....Darn!!):

Missoni Leather Case for iPad® 2 - White (ASD365)

Sale Price $41.98

I believe you still have some time to order these items before Christmas (wow 4 days away) ottoman is expected to come between Thursday and Saturday this week and I just ordered it last night!  BONUS. 
Merry Christmas to me!

SO tell me any Missoni lovers out there (It sure beats payin for the real stuff!)?!?!  Were you one of the shoppers that camped out?!?!  If so.....what did you end up getting?!?!  I thought the pj bottom leggings and flats were SO cute (they are out of unfortunate!!)!  And No Target has no clue who this girl is......but they will get major props for getting the ottoman to me this week (totally not necessary but awesome if they do!) 

xoxo Joanna D.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas House Tour-2011

We just bought our first house about two months ago!! (It still hasn't sunk in yet!! When will it?!?!) 
So our Christmas House Tour this year will be a little sparse. 
Our theme this year is "work with what ya got and rock it!!"!! Ya I know.....BuHumBug! (spelling?!?!)
In previous years we've had a "blue and silver" theme with random ornaments we've collected from each year scattered throughout the tree.
Last year I was smart and had bought a whole bunch of bright green ribbon and ornaments on clearance. 
Therefore a new theme was born (not knowing we would have a new abode).
Bright Green, Blue, Silver, and Bronze!!  I know.....Who knew!!

Here is the front of the house:

I give all the outside "light decorating/hanging" credit to my husband Scotty (who I lovingly call 2hotty on this blog!)! 
He did a great job......Thanks Hunny!

A real wreath (bought from the neighbor kid....he's an eagle scout) hangs on the front door.

When you open the door, you'll walk into the Entryway/Living room!

With another wreath hanging on the other side.
Don't ask me's just how we roll!

And a Merry Christmas mat welcomes you as you wipe off your wet dirty winter boots:

In the Entryway you'll find two things: 
Our Ribbon Christmas Card Holder I made this year ( you can read about it HERE):

And our Stockings (I show how I personalized them HERE):

 (The picture on the right is more true to the wall color)

Underneath the stockings we have a make-shift setup!!
It's a wine table that we are using for now (until I can make up my mind on what I want to put there.  Any suggestions?!?!) 
I decorated it:

My Polish Santa collection that I bought from Pipka's (a cute Christmas shop in Door County,WI):

Our Nativity scene (Can you believe I got this whole set at a thrift store for like 5 bucks!):

Below I set up a ceramic train station scene that my MIL let me borrow this year!
They are so fun to set up and they light up too!
Do you set up your own Christmas land village too?!?!
I have way more scattered throughout the house.

If you turn around, you'll see our Christmas tree behind the bay window that faces out to the street:

I added the bright green ribbon vertical instead of horizontal this year.
I love it......2hotty is on the fence about it:

It looks a little neked! HA!
Again going with the "work with what you got" theme!!

I wanted to make my own tree skirt out of burlap......but as usual I ran out of precious time.
Maybe next year (famous last words. HA!):

But I did get a few gifts wrapped:

 Some of our favorite ornaments that hang on the tree:

I'm obsessed with drift wood!!!!
New nativity ornament bought this year from World Market:

 Our Wedding Ornament:                                             New House Ornament:

                            Disney Ornament from our vacation a few years ago:
 Ornaments using colors from my theme:

Here is the bay windowsill I decorated:
A cute Christmas village complete with fake snow and glitter trees.


Before you walk into the kitchen there is a wall with a ledge that holds our (old school) advent calender
(We are still kids at heart.......NEVER EVER to old for an advent calender!):

The center piece I made pretty much for free (read all about it HERE):

was moved to the kitchen table for an elegant yet bright tablescape (Read how I did it HERE):

The wreath I made also hangs in the kitchen area:

(see more pictures of this wreath HERE)

As I was busy decoreating the upstairs, 2hotty was found downstairs decorating his beloved
(soon-to-be) mancave:

This is the original!!  The first!! The one and only!! 
It is the tree we've celebrated the last 4 Christmases with! 
 It holds the in anything that didn't make the cut on the upstairs tree! 
Not that they're not pretty but I'm kinda OCD about the whole "color thing" this year!

The ornaments:

Can you guess which sport team's we root for during football and hockey season??:

The Chicago Bears, The Chicago Black Hawks...........and the Wisconsin Badgers?!?!
Say Waaa?!?!
We have to show the state that we live in some lovin too!
We're in the Rose Bowl AGAIN!! Round lets win this one Bucky!!

Every tree of ours has to have a pickle ornament!
Yes even the one upstairs.
I had to compramise with 2hotty (It's a thing called marriage).....but it's green so I didn't mind too much!
He tells me its some kind of German tradition.
I don't get it!

I'm so thankful I don't have to deal with this ornament this year (that much):

It's one of Scott's faves! 
When you press the button, Homer says "Mmmm BEER!"!
I would have to listen to it ten times a day before.......he pressed it every time he walked by!

Speaking of "BEER" is 2hottys shrine that he decked out too:

It looks like a picture from one of them "I Spy" books!
I don't know what to look at first!

I think this is his favorite spot in the house.
He makes a point to come down here at least once a day (if not more) and just stares at it!
I dont know......BOYS!

So that my friends is our first Christmas House Tour in the new digs!!
Whatya think?!?! I know it's not much but it works for now.......and it can only get better from here..right?!?!
So I (hopefully) invite you to next years Christmas House Tour!
I can't wait to plan out our theme.
Until then, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and wish you much luck, joy, and health in the New Year!
Wow 2012 already?!?!

xo Joanna D.


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