Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Keepin It Real

I love it when other bloggers share their day to day lives with their readers.  Why?!?!  Well, I'm a bit nosey and like to see the dirt (literally)!! I wanna know that their house is just as messy as mine is, that sometimes they fail at DIY projects just like I do, and that burning chocolate chip cookies doesn't just happen to me but to them as well!!  It's nice to be able to relate to them and perhaps even reassures me that I'm not the only quirky (and maybe a bit weird/annoying/and everything above that is equal to those words. HA!) gal out there!!  So how about I take you on a little behind the scenes tour of what life has been like for 2hotty and I these past few weeks!! Is that groaning I hear?!?! Oh heck I don't blame you.  Its not very glamorous.  Its actually nothing worth reading about. (oh the irony). HA!

These last few weeks I had shown some pictures of my little Valentine day display I conjured up for all my lovely guests to see when they walked through my front door.  This is what I revealed when it came time to publish my post:

But what you didn't see was that everything around my little display was a hot mess!! I literally would have had a panic attack if someone truly did ring the door bell at that very exact moment when I was taking pictures (mainly because I was still in my PJ's and not wearing a bra!  Whoa....that came out of left field didn't it.  TMI.....sorry!!).  My first thought would be to hit the floor and army crawl it to the kitchen........but then again they would totally see me attempting this through the front window since we have yet to install any blinds or curtains!!  How is that for a visual (braless and all. HA!)  Shucks! 

Here is what my "couldacalledmeandwarnedme" guest would have seen if I did in deed open the door:
There's a green bucket (with icky nasty water) on the kitchen floor from when I frantically cleaned the bathrooms (which was a long overdue task btw! eew!), some tools and a level sprawled out on the floor from our closet DIY (which is still in progress......and has been for like two weeks now! Oui!), wedding albums that I thought I lost we found in our coat closet (such a miracle we made it out alive after cleaning that thing!), and debris (hooks maybe?!) and a red tupperware lid (and yes I have no idea where the bin actually is!) leaning against the wall.  Yup makes the Valentine decor look extra fancy doesn't it?!?! HA!  And this is JUST the should see the rest of the house!!

A few weeks ago it had snowed a few inches (I had shared our little winter wonderland adventure a few days ago).  It kinda was a bit of a shocker since we've been having such a mild winter.  My first reaction was to get out there and enjoy it before it all melted away.  This is the exterior of our house with a fresh layer of snow on the roof.  I know, I know.  It looks a bit boring, no?!?!  The exterior is on the good ol' to-do list this coming summer:

But a whole bunch of "nothingness" isn't exactly what you would see if you were to actually walk up to the front porch!! What you don't see in the above picture is what we are trying to hide behind the bushes:

Yup that is our Christmas tree. (I'm officially embarrassed!)  It kinda blends in right?!?!  HA!  That's what 2hotty keeps tellin me when I nag on him to get rid of it.   I think he believes it will decompose into dirt before Spring. (Keep dreamin my 2hotty.....keep dreamin!)

Oh and the tree isn't all.  HA!!  If you were a guest of mine you would have to step over the Christmas wreath too:

And yes it still has a red ribbon on it covered with snow.  (If that isn't lazy I don't know what is!)  This is exactly why we don't have many guests coming over these days. So classy right?!?!  Wait don't answer that.......I have a reputation to maintain living on a golf course and all (I'm so being sarcastic here!!)!!

Since moving into our new abode last October we clocked in allot of hours driving around going from store to store.  Some days its a hit, others its a miss (hate those days. Boo!)  Don't get me wrong I do love me some shopping but it gets very tiring sometimes.  Especially considering I live fifty miles from any real know the "real stores" like TJ Max', Marshalls World Market, and Michaels!!  Some of my Faves!  If I just want to "pick up" a few things at any of those stores, it would require two hours in drive time alone!  It's OK though......not the end of the world.  Just means that I get to spend more quality time with the hubster, giving us a chance to talk about whatever it is that we are working on that weekend or just plain ol' life in general.  It's a pretty scenic drive too:

I know that eventually 2hotty and I will expand our family (someday........).  And that one day these leisure rides will get a bit more complicated than just the typical, "Hey you wanna go to Madison today?" Which pretty much happens at our convenience now.  As much as the frequent long drives get on my nerves somedays (mainly because projects take longer to finish) I know that one day I'll miss em (sigh)!

One thing I absolutely have 2hotty do for me before we hit the interstate is a quick stop at my favorite little coffee hut:

It's not your schmancy "Schtarbucks" coffee but its really good none the less and a perfect treat for the drive ahead!! I've said it before and I'll say it again.......This JO needs her cup of JO before attempting anything (even if it is just shopping)!! They serve their coffee with a chocolate covered coffee bean and I LURVE them so much.  I think its the beans that keep me coming back for more:

Sometimes we buy a small bag to take home to eat during the week.  We forgot to take them inside the house after getting home that day.  I ate them like they were M&M's that next Monday morning!! I'd say they were more like M&M's on STEROIDS........I was pretty peppy at work to say the least:

If you ever get into a car with my 2hotty the first thing I would do is hand you some ear plugs.  The man likes to sing and he can get a bit annoying!! I'm serious!!  Between his singing and weird random comments you may or may not have a painful migraine and a vein protruding from your forehead in a matter of five minutes.  How's that for talent:

He usually changes the lyrics of a song and adds in his own.  They may or may not be appropriate (I'm leaning more to NOT appropriate!)  Hence all them coffee beans I must inhale to keep me sane and tune him out!! HA! 

I usually take pictures of the scenery or make my shopping list in the car as 2hotty sings along to songs from the 80's (Well more like 80's meets gangsta rap! HA!):

After hours and hours of shopping (and driving) we get home and unload (and usually plop on the couch soon after)!  The kitchen table usually looks like this 90% of the time (the other 10% (when its clean) usually means my mom is on her way over):

The bags remain there until one of us gets a chance to put em away.......if lucky most likely by the next weekend!!

If we do stay home on the weekends, we try to make it casual. We'll grab a movie from the Redbox, invite some friends over, and make some "drinky drinks" for all of us to sip on. Coming up with different drink concoctions is one of my husbands favorite obsessions!
Last weekend 2hotty and I celebrated Valentines Day at our favorite local restaurants.  Its hip and modern......pretty much the bombdiggity (ya I did just typed that!)!  On the menu we noticed they had a 'Bloody Mary' drink using bacon vodka.  YES BACON VODKA!!  I think 2hotty had died......gone to heaven....came back........and then died again!!  One of his favorite things (bacon and vodka) married together in perfect harmony. PURE BLISS I tell ya!
To my surprise he passed on the drink (he tought it would be too filling right before dinner) but that didn't mean he couldn't stop thinking about it.  The very next day we scoured the liquor store up and down (LITERALLY) until one of us found it:

Oh Happy Day!! The shoulders may or may not have been "dusted off" ala JayZ at the very moment the bottle was spotted.  They had only one kind and they spelled bacon.....Bakon.  Whats up with that?!?!  Maybe its European?!?! Who cares we bought it anyway! It cost twenty-six dollhairs and to my hubby it was worth every penny!

We gathered all of the ingredients needed:

Apparently it requires everything but the kitchen sink!  We have horseradish, celery, cheese (Wisconsin cheese only!), spicy pickles, picked green beans (my moms!), worchteshire sauce (sp??can never say that word let alone spell it!), pickled mushrooms, slimjim..........and a can of beer (Wha?!?!).
Oh and Zing Zangs bloody mix is the only way to go.....hands down (Its really good!):

It was delicious and the bacon vodka was a hit!!!  It tasted more salty if anything.....not really too "bacony"!

Cheers to a messy house, lots o' shopping, road trips, friendships..........and bacon vodka:

I guess you cant drink a Bloody Mary without a beer chaser (well according to 2hotty)!! Its the way they serve them at the bars around here:

The next vodka he wants to purchase is Loony Vodka (I think?!?!)......I guess it tastes like Fruit Loops.  Totally up my alley........(not because of the flavor but becuase of the name.....loony like moi!).  Disclaimer: We do not need to attend any AA meetings.....but thanks for being conserned.  We do drink occasionally and not (too) excessively.  My only real excuse is........I'm Polish and we like our "drinky drinks"! Mmmkay. HA!

This is our friend Chris.  If you've been reading my blog since the beginning than I'm sure you've seen him on here once or twice.  We call him cupid (because he's the reason why 2hotty and I met in the first place).  I met him in college in Zoology class!! Many call him Dr. Chris!! Yup that's right, he graduated from chiropractic school not to long ago............A shout out to Chris' chiropractic girls (I heart you for reading my blog! <3).  Did I mention he's single and ready to mingle?!?!  (Sorry Chris you can kill me after I hit publish!! HA!):

This is frumpy ol' me. It's probably what I look like most of the time these days.  Bad hair day.....check!  Makeup melted off.....check!  Wearing comfy football t-shirt........check!! Creepy "I'm about to drink this in one gulp" face......check! This girl looks like a HOT MESS.....BIG OL' check check check.
  Hence the black and white photo (because if it were in color you would be blind right're welcome!):

This year I made 2hotty a Valentines day card. Is it just me or are the greeting cards getting wicked expensive these days?!?!  Common, paying five to six dollars for a card that says "You're my sugar daddy and I cant wait to pour caramel sauce all over you" is such a rip off!  Oh wait that's what I wrote in 2hottys card......I mean: "To a wonderful husband, I love you!"!! :0)  Seriously though, I wasn't about to fork over my hard earned dollhairs for a stinkin card that was ganna get tossed in the memory box for eternity anyway!! Can I get an Amen.......sista!!

 This is all I could come up with:

Ya not my best work......but it was fast and cheap (just the way I like em!! HA!)!! I found the girl silhouette online and decided my studmuffin would appreciate a picture of my face instead of just a headless women holding up a sign. I'm sure he thought it was French for something dirty (I can just make you guess can't I.  HA!)  Just keepin it real!!  I also bought him some cologne (Bvlgari Toniq......yummy, sexy smell!) and made him a pork chop dinner.  I overcooked em.....the story of my life! Can a girl just get a break for once.....palease!!

2hotty did buy me a card though (sucka!) and it was sweet.  I bet he just went "eeny meeny mony mo" and picked the one his finger pointed to (I know him oh to well......right hunny?!?!):

He knows I'm a visual person and love me some pictures. It had a golden retriever puppy and kitty cat on the front of the card.  So adorable!!  That image was all I needed to melt my heart.  Browny points to my boytoy!  I want a puppy so freakin bad.  We are waiting though.  Crossing my fingers (and toesies) that it happens come this Fall. (Papapaplease......with a cherry on top!!) Those tulips above........Ya I bought them for myself the day after V-day when they were fifty percent off.  Some may call me cheap.........I say bless your little heart!! :-)

This is what they look like now:

Ya looks like something outta of a sci fi movie.  Killer tulips on the loose (well more like killed tulips)!! :0)

So that's it.  This is my so UNglamarous life. Nothing too special.  I have a messy house, live in the country therefore I have to drive fifty miles to shop at a decent store, make my own valentines day cards because I'm cheap like that, love me some bacon vodka, and kill my plants.......occasionally!! It may look like a BORING life but it is my life (as we know it now!).  Now let me live through you.  I wanna know what day to day life is in your neck of the woods.  Give me the juice, the scoop, the dirt, the nitty Real Housewives of New Jersey nitty gritty!! I bet you don't kill any of your plants like I do.......fabulous, gorgeous people like you don't do that!!  I heart you all!! <3

xoxo Joanna D.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Wonderland

This year so far we've experienced a fairly mild winter here in Wisconsin (Are they still blaming it on global warming?).  I don't think the school kids even had one snow day from school this year. Kinda unheard of around here, usually they're making up like five days in June.  Not ganna lie though, I kinda like it.  I love not having to wake up extra early just to drive 25 mph to get to work or the fear of getting stuck in a ditch.  Ya don't really miss that at all!!  BUT, one thing I do miss (and I swore I would make it happen this year) was enjoying all of the winter activities I love to do such as skiing and ice-skating. Ya this year I was suppose to teach 2hotty the ways of the slopes and show off my triple axles skating moves (Just kiddin......I'm not that good......I can do a double axle! Ha!)  Oh well there's always next year, right?!?!?

2hotty and I did, however, get out one weekend to enjoy the "white stuff".  Nothing says winter to me like chucking a snowball at someone.
That someone just happened to be this guy:

We had ALL of our winter gear on because it was a wee bit chilly.  You likey my red snowshoes?!!?!

Last year for Christmas my 2hotty asked for a winter coat.  BUT not just any coat.  He wanted the North Face Mcmurdo Parka.  Ya I was surprised too.  I would've never guessed.  I was thinking more along the lines of a Playstation 3 or something like that.

 I guess I would compare this coat to a Ferrari......."what Ferrari is to cars is what the Mcmurdo Parka is to coats". It's HEAVY DUTY and keeps him oh so warm while he snow blows the drive way on those cold and chilly mornings. He lurves it.......and I lurve that I don't have to snow blow the driveway and instead I get to cuddle with my cozy blanket for a few extra minutes!!!!  Thanks hunny I hope you're enjoying the coat your parents bought you. :0) No but seriously I thought he was going to tell me we were moving to Antarctica or something. 

I was all bundled up too.  I grabbed anything that looked fuzzy and warm and put it on top of my head.  No Joke:

One nice thing about living on a golf course is the view that we have out our back yard.  It always looks so neat and groomed in the warmer months and like a "wintery wonderland" in the snowy months:

Wanna know the best part though?!?!  The best part about living on the course is having friends and family that live on the course too.  Yup my in laws live just around the corner from us......and if you can find the right angle in the back of our house you may even see a smidge of theirs.  HA!! It's actually what triggered us to get out and play in the snow.  Instead of driving to their house for our traditional Sunday breakfast we trekked the snowy hills and went on a little adventure. 

We waved good bye to our little abode:

No adventure is ever complete without a photoshoot along the least not on any of my adventures. HA!:

Over the hills and through the woods to my in laws house we go (I've always wanted to say that. ha!).  We passed the bridge (No trolls in sight. Phew.  Must have migrated to FL for the winter. ):

the stream that runs under the bridge:

The weeping willow tree (that I love oh so much!!) Can't wait until its looking green again:

And lastly the pond:

Footprints of a bunny maybe?!?! 

I hope it made across safely!!!

I couldn't wait to see this beautiful sight - the back of my inlaws house:

WE MADE IT!!!!  
 And we were greeted by one of the cutest dogs we know who wast just as EXCITED to see us......if not more:

Seeing this picture just warms me up!! Max is so sweet and full of hugs and kisses.  Love him to pieces! 

The one thing he loves the MOST is anything that includes H2O.......... like SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes he is a water baby and loves snow ball fights just like the rest of em:

He will wait patiently.............:

...........and always keeps his eyes on the prize:

He's so cute (may or may not be a little bias here):


Cold, wet feet and all!!

So any of you singing the winter blues yet?!?!?  I'm ready for some "Spring" in my life right about now.  I've already heard the birds chirping away and the geese have made their way back and settled in the pond.  What is it they say, "If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb"?!?!  I'm ready.....BRING IT ON!!  Now just crossing my fingers I don't wake up to ten inches of snow tomorrow because that is just my luck (I always jinx myself)!  The story of my life...... one step forward - two steps back! HA!  It is what it is!
xoxo Joanna


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