Monday, August 1, 2011

Wedding Week: He Put a Ring On It!!

If you haven't already, click HERE to read about how we met!!

Let me tell you something about my husband, Scotty (aka 2hotty)!!

He is very impatient.

When he wants something, he will move mountains, jump over hoops, and wrestle alligators to get whatever it is that he wants................and when he wants it, he wants it NOW!

Which leads me to my next point!

Scott proposed to me after just 6 months of us dating!!  We met the beginning of July, "officially" started dating the end of July (2005), and then he proposed to me January 14th 2006! 

Shyea I know!!! I said he's very impatient and wastes no time!!

He knew that I was the one right from the beginning!! I had him at Hello (or perhaps it was "would you like a twizzler" haha)!  I would say it was very mutual!! At that time I never really knew if I believed in the whole "love at first sight" thing, but after meeting 2hotty that magical summer I was a full on believer!!! I was hooked and never looked back ever since!!

We did have a long engagement however, a year in a half as a matter of fact!! Although if he had it his way, we probably would have gotten married the same summer that he proposed.  At the time I was only 19, living with my parents, and still trying to figure the whole "what I want to be when I grow up" thing!! I'm sure marriage was not on the list!!!

Our relationship never ever felt rushed or like we were ever moving way too fast.  It was all in good timing.  It was absolutely perfect!!  Every thing happening for a reason.  I spent almost every waking free moment that I had hanging out with 2hotty................EVERY SINGLE DAY!! To this day (after 6 years of being with each other) I can count on two hands how many times we've  been away from each other!! That's about 10 times in 2191 days!!! Yes we are/were very inseparable, and I like it that way!  Some days I go down memory lane and think of our dating days.  It gives me goosebumps.  It gives me pure joy!  It takes me back to the fun laughs we shared, the first awkward kiss, the first "I Love You", the tears, and everything in between!  Oh the memories..............they are very bittersweet!!

I still remember the day 2hotty mustered up the courage to bring up the "M" in the MARRIAGE word.  We were driving around town on our way to the movie theaters trying to decide what movie we should go see. On our way there you could tell he wanted to say something.  He had his thinking face on.  I know that face REALLY well.  I could tell something was bothering him.  I'm sure he was going through every single scenario over and over in his mind just to find the correct words to say.  He asked me perfectly though!! I was ecstatic!! I knew from the day I met him I would marry him!! He made me feel so happy, comfortable, and I felt very safe around him!!

We didn't waste any time going ring shopping............I believe we went the very same weekend! And from that day forward I knew that at any given moment in time I would be asked by the man I was deeply in love with to marry him!

Want to know how he proposed??

We had planned a long weekend trip to Chicago to visit with family and friends!! It was are first out of state road trip. The week started like any I thought!  Usually after school or work, 2hotty would pick me up from my parents house.  This day (a Monday I believe) 2hotty had a bouquet of roses for me.  It wasn't my birthday or any type of anniversary, so I was completely confused. I remember asking what the heck  they were for just in case I was forgetting something.  He said something like "just because" and that was the end of it!! The same thing happened the next day though.  He had another set of flowers for me!!
By the third day I was totally confused and forced some information out of him.  He explained that he had given me a dozen roses the first day, about ten the second day, and even less the third day!! Still I had a puzzled look on my face.  He then had told me that by the time he got to just one rose there would be a surprise at the end!!! 

THAT is when the light bulb turned on!! I knew that sooner than later I would have a ring on my finger to show my family and friends!! Oh the butterflies in my stomach were out of control..........I'm surprised I didn't fly away!!  Besides the count down of flowers, 2hotty also took me around town visiting some places that were special to us.  Special places such as Devil's Lake where we had our first date, the golf course where we would sneak out at night to lay on the little bridge to gaze at the stars.  We even watched old episodes of our favorite comedy show, The Chappelle Show (I know it sounds crazy but we watched re-run episodes like everyday)! It was a week long proposal and I was soaking up every minute of it!! 

Finally (on Friday the 13th......dun dun dun) 2hotty had told me we were going to a fancy schmancy dinner so I should wear something nice!! I remember thinking "OMG OMG OMG"....."tonight is the night"......"he's going to propose"......."don't be nervous".........."why the h-e- double hockey sticks would he propose on Friday the 13th"........"oh well your not superstitious anyway"........"you love this man"....."Friday the 13?!?!"...."OK Joanna get it together".........."It's go time"!!  Yes my brain was going a million miles a minute!!

He then pulled up and as I got in the car 2hotty had two roses for me.  Only two!

We had a wonderful meal at one of our favorite restaurants, Fields at the Wilderness, and I thought that maybe at any moment he would propose right then and there!! Wrong.  After dinner we went to the store so that I could pick out a movie!! A movie.......was he serious!?!?! So I did. I picked out Titanic!! HA! That just cracks me up thinking about it to this day.  Why Titanic?!?! I'm not even sure! 
We were staying at his brothers house (where Scott was living at the time) for the night because we were going on our trip the very next day.  I lost all hope that he was going to propose that night!! After watching the first half of the movie (I was literally forcing my self to stay awake) I had told Scott that I was going to change into my pj's because I was really tired.  He tried to stall me..........but I wasn't having any of it!! I'm a Taurus and we are very stubborn peaople.  I marched up stairs and put on my pj's anyway!!  I looked like a hot mess with my hair all over the place, my mismatched PJ's, and my makeup smeared.......I was just a very scary looking hot mess. 
As I walked downstairs and then into the room my jaw hit the ground.  The lights were dimmed, there were lots of candles lit, and a trail of rose peddles leading to Scott holding a small vase with one single rose in his hand!!! He had tried so hard to keep me awake until after midnight as not to propose on Friday the 13th. It was a little after midnight, Saturday the 14th, when he got on not just one knee but both knees (it was more like pleading than asking...haha!) and asked me to marry him!! I was over the moon with joy and excitement!! He made sure that every detail was not forgotten and had even made sure not to propose on the day that people think is suppose to be very know just in case!! It was PERFECTION!
So there I was lookin like a hot mess with a blingy ring on my finger laying next to my FIANCE with a huge smile on my face!! We were going out of town the next day to spend a great unforgettable weekend in one of my favorite cities!! I couldn't of asked for it to be any other way!!

That is when one chapter ended and another GREAT one began!!

2hotty liked it so he put a ring on it,
xoxo Joanna D.


  1. Love this story. It's so romantic- A week long proposal - Wow!


  2. Aww thanks's fun going down memory lane every once in awhile!!! ~Joanna D.


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