Saturday, July 30, 2011

Go 2hotty It's Your Birthday!!

So I know this is suppose to be Wedding Week (sorry I left you hanging......I'm extending it for another week!) but it just so happens to be somebodies birthday today!!

That somebody is the peanut butter to my jelly........the ying to my yang (ooh that kinda sounds dirty).........the bee to my hunny............the.........OK maybe I'll stop now before it gets out of control!

He's not only the most caring, charming, trustworthy, and funny person I know but he's also my best friend, a wonderful husband and overall great life partner!!!  If I was to chose again.......I would still chose him...........without a doubt in my mind!!!

I could not have asked for another person to spend the rest of my life with (God you did SO good......oh thank you thank you thank you!!!) 

Not only does he make me week in the knees but he also has to put up with a girl like me!! That my friends takes an extra.....EXTRA.....special person!! You know times when I get in a mood........a BAD one!! He knows how to wipe the tears from my face and turn my frown upside down!  He never gives up on me and knows exactly how to love me!! I am forever grateful and hope I do half as good of a job as he does for me!!

I hope this year brings you a whole bunch of health, a lot more wealth, even some luck, a big new truck, fun adventures, maybe some home ventures?!?!, wonderful experiences, no interference(s), a hole in one, some fun in the sun, small and big presents, total independence, joyous memories.................and maybe even some babies (GASP........well maybe just one baby)!!!
OK just for you I took a stab at poetry but obviously its totally a hot mess and a bit Dr. Seussish!!

I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE you to the moon and back babe!!! Seriously, your love meter must be totally broken from all the love I have for you!!! It just can't handle this kind of pure love!!!  Our love is like a hybrid car.........its never running on empty..........when it comes to the love that we have for each other its always FULL!! (oh the cheesiness......gotta love it!!)

So I hope today and forever and always you feel the same way.......I hope you feel all the LOVE that I have for you.......and all the love your friends and family have for you!!!  You deserve every stinkin ounce of it!!

Happy 31st Birthday!!!

xoxo Your Girl!

Oh here is where I got artsy fartsy with his birthday gift this year!! Totally golf know for his most favorite hobby in the world (he promises not to get all Tiger Woods on me though!!):

Home made card made my moi:

oh and this too:

Instead of getting him flowers (he's to macho for flowers) I made him a vase filled with things he would enjoy (and not kill)......donuts and golf balls!!


I couldn't find any round donut holes (to make them look more like golf balls) so these had to work!

I also used green crinkle paper instead of real grass (knowing me I would dig out a patch with an aunt hill or something.....haha!)!

and for his main gift he picked out this:

Taylor Made Rescue Burner bought from HERE

Anyone up for a round or two?!?!  I think this kid is all set now........well he better be........this stuff ain't cheap..... I'm tellin ya!!!

xoxo Joanna D.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wedding Week-The Stars Align

OK so It's wedding week over here at casa la Dobosz!!

Well if you call our "1bedroom living with my rents so we can save some money to buy our first casa" a casa.......well so be it (oh the sacrifice!)!!

The point is that our 4th wedding anniversary is creeping up quickly here and I wanted to dedicate some special posts (yes I will be documenting every thang) about our love story!! I'll add some pictures in between to keep things a bit interesting!!

May be boring to many of you, but hey since this is sort of my online journal I'm not going to spare any details......well maybe just a few...... like the steamy honeymoon bits........JUST KIDDING..........2hotty and I haven't even had our first kiss yet!! Gosh!

(this is going to require allot of time dedicated to blogging........I guess 2hotty will be spending allot of his time golfing (I'm sure right about now he is running around the house room with his hands in the air and waving them like he just don't care............your welcome hunny!!)!!)

 OK so let the rambling begin..........Oh where do I even start?!?!!

Oh OK........let me share some background info with you all (well the 7 of you.....haha! OK just 6.... not including 2hotty!) so you can see why all the stars in the sky had to just align perfectly for me to have even met my darling husband who I call 2hotty!!  I am ever so thankful and have now fully grasped the idea that our God is really in control and if you let him he will be your guide through and through!!  I am blessed........Thank you Jesus!

The stars align:
  • I was born and raised in the south suburbs of Chicago before moving to Wisconsin the summer of 2002 starting my junior year of high school! (I was kickin and screamin every step of the way.........seriously who on earth moves their kid while they are still finishing high school.........leave it to my parents!!)  

~Little did I know He had a plan for me!!~
  • 2hotty was also born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago and his parents moved up to Wisconsin when he was in junior high!!

    • We had a pretty similar upbringing!!  My parents are 100% Polish (born and raised there) and I am first generation Polish-American!! 2hotty's dad is 100% Polish (making Scott 50%.......look at this math whiz here!! haha!)!! We both have fond memories of our strong-willed (will make you eat ox-tail soup and like it) Polish grandma's!!!  Also, the city/suburb upbringing was pretty similar too. Walking to school through ally-ways and hanging out with neighborhood kids into the wee hours of the night is what we reminisce about today!!
    • A few years later, my Freshman year of college in 2004 (a community college because I was so undecided about the direction I wanted to go) I took a zoology class where I met my friend Chris (remember Chris?)! Chris (aka'll understand why in a moment) was pretty much just a "school" friend.........we never really hung out outside of class......maybe only to grab lunch and study. After finding out that I was Polish, he talked about having a friend who was also Polish.  He joked about us meeting and dating and he even showed me pictures of him of a recent trip to Disney they all went on!!  But that was about as far as it went..........his "Polish" friend was never brought about again........and the next semester Cupid transferred to a different school so I never really talked to him again!

    • 2hotty was also going to the same community college that year!! I don't recall ever seeing him there though (which is strange because its not a very big campus).  He had gone back to school after deciding his (childhood) dream of being a police officer was not for him anymore! You see he was a police officer for a couple of years prior but realized it wasn't what he wanted to spend the rest of his life doing (thank heavens......I would be a nervous wreck these days!!)!

    ~This is where it gets good (hello are you still with me?!?!? haha!!):

    • The end of my Freshman year of college (summer of 2005) I was working as a checker for a large retail company (I can make you guess) and I got a phone call from Chris Fourth of July weekend (mind you I'm really not sure how he got my phone number to this day.........because I just had gotten a new phone and number) leaving me a voice message telling me that he was back in town and if I wasn't busy that night we should hang out!!
    I was like um OK a.) why would cupid call me and want to hang out with me (we never hung out outside of class before!)? and b.) how did he get my phone number?

    Well either way I gave Chris a call back because I was curious to see what he was up too and to find out how his second semester went at the new school!!

    He told me that he was hanging out with a friend that night and if I was interested I should come out and go 4wheeling with them (I redneck?!?!)!!
    Well I figured what the heck I was working late anyway and had no plans for the night (what a nerd) and scrambled to find a friend to come with me!!
    No one was free......they either already had plans or they were too busy working because of the fourth of July weekend. Bummer!
    I had to make a decision quickly to see if I wanted to go all by myself (did I mention that I was way shy back then?!?! Well I was especially when it came to boys!).
    Shockingly  I called him back telling him to pick me up at the Walmart parking lot (still to this day I cant belive I went!! and Walmart parking lot?1?....classy I know)!!

    Phew..........(If I was talking..........I would have to catch my breath about now!)

    What was I wearing the first day I met 2hotty:

    A "nice rack" (had a picture of a deer on it) shirt with a pair of jeans holding a bag of twizzlers in one hand and a bottle of Mt Dew in the other (Wisconsin' country redneck vibe was really growing on me....haha. We laugh about it to this day) 2hotty was sitting in the passenger seat and Chris was the driver!! ( I'm surprised 2hotty gave me the time and day now that I think about it!!)

    What did we do that night?

    We drove around town cracking jokes and even went over to Chris' house to look at old pictures!! Needless to say we never went 4-wheeling that night!!
    I could barely look at Scott............I was that shy!! But Chris made the situation a bit easier.......Chris is the OPPOSITE of shy!!
    At this point I couldn't remember if 2hotty was Chris' "polish" friend (I assumed but wasn't for sure) but I do remember quite fondly being very attracted to him!!!

    He was so tan, tall (I'm 5'll and he's 6'3?) ,with blonde hair and deep blue eyes!!  I remember thinking he looked just like the guy from the movie: Sweet Home Alabama.........Josh Lucas!

    See the similarities......or am I just crazy?!?!?!

    the first pic I took of Scotty:

    Josh                                                   Scott

    Needless to say I was very attracted to him.............but wasn't really sure if he felt the same way!!!


    • I got a phone call the very same night (seriously like not too long after I had gotten home)!! It was Chris on the other end!! He asked me if it was alright to give my phone number to Scott because he was interested!! (I tried oh so hard not to jump up and down on my bed and shout of happiness) !!  I composed myself (as much as I could) and told Chris that I was interested too (maybe just a little...haha)!!!
     I swear I didn't sleep at all that night..............I was SO happy!!
    The very next day we hung out again............this time I brought my friend Katherine (who I met in the same magical zoology class)!! We decided to go 4wheeling that night and hang out under the stars (how romantical).
    Scotty  had asked me if I had wanted to go for a ride with him (keep your mind out of the gutter!!)!  I was too shy to say yes and declined (In my mind I could have jumped on the back of that thing in a heartbeat)!!
    So my friend Katherine went................I was jealous!! To my surprise he had asked me again (I probably could've gone into cardiac arrest.......I was that shy) and before I knew it I was on the back of that thing with my arms wrapped around his stomach!!

     IT WAS MAGICAL and I'll never fotget it!!!

    All of us even laid down on a blanket to gaze at the stars that night!! It would have been perfect except for Chris telling Scott to move closer to me (it made the whole situation uncomfortable)!! haha!

    So to make a long story well even.......LONGER (sorry..... I warned you)......Scotty had asked me out on a date a few days later!!!

    He had taken me to Devil's Lake (a state park near us) to go hiking!! I've never been. (My friends back home thought that was the most ridiculous thing ever.........What ever happened to a dinner and a movie?!?! and we even joked about me bringing my oxygen tank along just in case!! Oh how two different states could seem like two different worlds!!)  

    It was at this moment in time (after walking up a steep hill to find a rock to sit on and me trying so hard not to fall) where we talked about our past, present, and what we wanted out of our future (which happened to be each other......we just didnt know it yet......or did we?!?!).

    It was on this very first date that we really connected with each other!! We talked about our similiar upbringing such as living in a bigger city and then moving to a smaller one where we didnt know a soul.  It was there that we found out we were both the same nationality........with very Polish grannys..haha (I knew he was the "Polish" friend Cupid tried to set me up with from the very beginning).   It was there that we reminisced about our past.............and it was there that we realized we really liked each others company and would like to do it more often!!

    I still remember the car Scott was driving, what we were both wearing, what was playing on the radio, what cologne he was wearing, what the temperature outside was like.................I will hang onto that memory with a sweet smile on my face!!!

    Sometimes we talk about the "what-if's" and it blows our minds just going over each scenario!! 

    What if my parents never moved me to Wisconsin?
    What if Scott's parents never moved him to Wisconsin?
    What if I had gone to a different college?
    What if Scott still remained a police officer?
    What if I had never sat next to Chris in Zoology class?
    What if Chris never called me THAT night?
    I can go on and on.............

    Would we be where we are now?

    It's too scary to even think about!!!! See what I mean about star alignment and trusting in the Lord even when you feel like nothing is going your way!!

    Moving to Wisconsin was a nightmare!!
    Not going to a 4-year college right off the bat was a nightmare!!
    Being in a college classroom not knowing even just one person was a nightmare!
    Choosing a different career path after thinking and knowing your whole life that a police officer was what you wanted to be was a nightmare!!

    But if all of those things would've never happened......................... we wouldn't be living the DREAM that we are living with each other now...............can I get an awww?!!?!

    So that my friends is how a blue-eyed boy met a brown-eyed girl.............whatchya think?? 

    Maybe looking at this picture will help brighten up your day....haha!?!?!

    So tell me, what is your "boy meets girl" (vice versa) story?  Anyone else's parents make em' move miles and miles away during a crucial period in your life??  Ever think about the "what if's" when it comes down to situations like these?? Come on spill those know you want to!!!

    xoxo Joanna D.

    Sunday, July 24, 2011

    Paint On...Paint Off

    Remember this "birdcage" box that I bought at Goodwill for $5.99 a few weeks ago:

    well I gave it a new life with the help of a few coats of white spray paint:

    (oopsie poopsie!....forgot to white balance my camera............please forgive me!)

    I used Krylon's Dual Pain and Primer in White (flat):

    I'm not sure what I think of this spray paint just yet.......maybe I should have used gloss instead of flat!?!?! It took about three coats and even after the color pay off looked a bit grayish and not the stark white I was looking for!!!

    I also used this clear coat after the white paint dried for a day!!

    I then distressed it a bit to make it look a little rustic and less perfect kinda like my inspiration pictures I found from Pottery Barn such as these:

    and here is what I was left with:

    I found that the 50 grit sand paper worked better than the 3M medium sandpaper sponge (the black sponge) to give it that worn look!!!  Oh and that tan sponge is a between coat sanding sponge to buff out the paint between the coats of spray paint!!

    Here are the Before and Afters:

    So that is all I did.......put some paint on.......then took some paint off!!!  What do you think?!?!

    Not too shabby for my first DIY redo project using spraypoint!! I'm starting small help me work up the courage to start bigger projects that I hope to tackle someday!!

    I'm still a little unsure though.......I think I may paint over it because I'm still a little unhappy with the color payoff and then just distress it once again!! I'm thinking regular paint vs spray paint will do the trick!!

    Maybe finding some pretty little things to put inside........perhaps some bright flowers or some fun candles..............will make the color pop more!!  I shall find to follow once I figure it out.....HA!!

    So tell me do any of you have any advice on spray painting and/or distressing for a newbie like me?  Have you tackled some projects just like this or even ones that are much bigger (I hope to refurbish a dresser someday)? So what do you think of the after pictures (I'm not 100% on board yet-it needs some touch ups I think!!)? 

    Paint on......paint off,
    xoxo Joanna D.

    Saturday, July 23, 2011

    Map It Out

    So what does a girl do when she's off of work for eleven days straight?!?!?!

    Well have you notice the abundance of blog posts lately??!?!?  HA!  That's one thing I've been trying to keep up with during my time off.

    There was also allot of lounging around, blog stalking, shopping, Internet surfing, and project making!!

    Yes I actually attempted some of my projects that have been on my to do list for like ever!!!!

    Here is one thing that I completed:

    Its a map to mark all the places 2hotty and I have traveled together so far!! 

    I know its not perfect...........but I like it!!  I got the inspiration from this blog (click --> HERE) and pretty much followed her directions to a tee!!! 

    It was actually more time consuming then I thought it was going to be!!! It's one of those projects that you save for a rainy day.......or in my case a hot sweltering 100 degree day.......yup I was so content sitting at home with the AC up high getting my craft on!!

    Here is the low down: ( I purchased all materials at my local Walmart, besides the atlas I used to cut out the states from)

    I purchased a 16x20 canvas (2pack for about 10 dollas) and painted it using a metallic white paint (FolkArt #659 in metallic pearl white - $0.97) to give the canvas more of a pretty sheen!!

    Then I outlined a border with painters tape just like this (didn't really measure.......just eyeballed it):

    made sure the map would fit correctly: (map torn out of old road atlas that I purchased at St. Vinnies for $1.00)

    but I would highly recommend buying one of these if your willing to make one of your own:

    find it HERE

    Trust me it will make your life so much easier and it will be less time consuming!! I looked at a few stores to see if I could find something similar but had no luck a road atlas had to make do!!

    Then I painted the whole canvas using FolkArt #2588 Metallic Ice Blue paint mixed with some Pearl White I used above:

    and let dry until I was ready to glue on the states!!

    Here is where I sat on the floor for like 2 hours cutting out all of the states from the atlas and then tracing them onto some scrapbook paper (preferably in the color scheme of the room you would like to hang the canvas in)..............

    ............and then cutting them out once again.........see why you should get that will eliminate some tedious steps!!!

    NOTE: make sure to keep the states in order while you work...........that way you could keep track at how the pieces should fit together!!

    I then used modgepodge....... apply all of the states onto the canvas (I started from the center such as Texas) and then added another layer of modgepodge over all the pieces once every state was applied to the canvas!!

    I painted the wooden letters a pearl white as well:

    .......and glued them on using tacky glue.  I used this same glue to apply the small white buttons to mark which states we've been too!!

    See, easy peasy............a little time consuming......but easy!!! Oh and it probably cost me about $10 total (maybe even less if you have most of the materials already!)!  Not to shabby!!

    Here is what it looks like again (save you from scrolling up and down!):

    Looking at the map is kinda bothering me though!! Separately 2hotty and I have traveled all over the U.S. but together we've only been to 5 states!!

    You see I'm a list maker and one thing I love to do is cross things makes my day (I know I'm such a dork.....or dorkess as 2hotty likes to call me!!)!! So every time I look at this map it will drive me bonkers until more buttons get glued on!!

    We have allot of trip planning to do!! haha!! 

    So what do you think of my traveling map (I want to have a gallery wall someday where I plan to hang this canvas along with framed pictures of our vacations)?!?!  For 10 points who can guess which state is out of whack......haha (oh well I told you it wasn't perfect!!)?!?!  Any of you been to every single U.S. state (I would love to do this eventually with 2hotty!)?  Perhaps you have one of the more fancier pin maps (I've always wanted one of those!!!)?? I would love to hear your thoughts.....Leave a comment below.

    xoxo Joanna D.

    Friday, July 22, 2011

    Love and Marriage

    What perfect timing!!! Kellyskornerblog is hosting a "show us your life" segment and today the topic is: Your Best Marriage Advice. 

    Perfect timing too because next week marks the week of mine and 2hotty's (my husband Scotty) 4th wedding anniversary..............and over here at SP4E(suited perfectly 4 eternity) I will have special posts dedicated to our love story (how we met, the proposal, marriage, honeymoon, and where we are now)!!  

    (need to upload some better wedding pictures but these will do for now!)

    If you go on over to kelly's website..........she pretty much said it perfectly herself (hello and welcome to all of you lovely souls who've come over from her blog)!!  She's been married 8 years and feels like she shouldn't give much advice on this topic yet...........well with only (almost) 4 years under my belt, I feel like I'm just learning myself!!!

    Isn't that what marriage is all about anyway..........learning and teaching (and compramise)!!!

     I guess my favorite piece of advice is to NOT "sweat the small stuff".....because it can always be worse right?!? (I'm still learning how to do this!)

    For example, say he accidentally drops a plate (from your grandmothers china collection) and it shatters all over the floor. For most, the first reaction would to make him feel bad and maybe even scream at him till your face turns blue!!  But really is that plate really worth the argument and the hurt feelings toward each other?!?!  (Don't sweat the small stuff......he cant go back and it wasn't intentional..... and hey Greeks do it all the time...OPA!). 

    Perhaps he drops your favorite earring down the drain (hey don't sweat the small you have another excuse for him to buy you another pair......Tiffany's!?!)

    Or my personal favorite (which I'm guilty of) he folds the laundry a certain way which you feel is totally the wrong way!!! Who am I to say his way is the wrong way and mine is the right?!?! (really Joanna.....don't sweat the small will go into a drawer and nobody will see it anyway........oh and save yourself an argument!!)!!

    I  can go on and on about the "small" arguments I've witnessed or have been a part of myself.........better cut myself off here though before 2hotty starts believing it and I will be eating my words later on....HA!!! It's actualy quite silly after typing it all out and thinking of all of the things I've been mad at Scott for (so sad but very true!).

    In summary, most of the things that people tend to argue over are just really small and petty little things when looking at the grand picture and it's really just NOT worth it!!!

    For the most part 2hotty and I almost never argue and if so its about this same exact small petty stuff which we are working so hard at not to do!!!
    Remember I said marriage is all about learning.............well we will forever be students till the day we die on this topic!!!

    I also love this quote: "remember the small things in life for they will someday be the BIG things"(unkown)!!  Isn't that so true........small everyday things such as a sweet gesture that is totally free in what we will be reminiscing about after we've grown old (and senile....haha!) together!!
    I just love that quote!!

    I cant wait for next week so I can go down memory lane and share with all of you our amazing love story!! After 6 years of being with each other.......our love is everlasting and continues to grow and deepen!! We've been put on a roller coaster and have been riding high ever since (well not in that way....haha!)!!!! I'm spending the rest of my life with a great partner and trully my best friend and I cant wait for many many GREAT years to come and many many new memories we will make!! (can I get an AMEN!!!)

    xoxo Joanna D.

    Thursday, July 21, 2011

    OMG....P TO THE B!!

    Yup.........OMG!! is what I was shrieking after hitting jackpot at a Goodwill that we stopped at while coming back home from our "Glamping" roadtrip!!!

    Wanna know what I found?!?!?!?!

    Place card napkin holders!!

     Ok whoopdeedoo Joanna........whats so special about these?!?!

    Well my friends......they aren't just any napkin holders!!!
    These napkin holders come from here:

    Pshyeah!! Good ol' P to the B!!
    Almost took my breath away when 2hotty found them for me!!
    Thanks Hun you really do know the key to my heart (I thought him well!)!!

    These napkin holders are special.........they serve as place cards too!!
    At first I didn't see the tags in the box when I took a glimpse inside.......I just figured the previous owners used them up and then had no use for the holders!!
    WRONG......I found them later on......tucked inside one of the rings:


    Insert a video of me doing my happy dance here!! 
    I love truly never know what treasures you're going to find!!

    I then found this birdcage looking box for only $5.99:

    It needs to be cleaned ASAP!

    I could think of a bajillion things that I could use it for!!
     Just take a look at these inspiration pictures (Ala pottery barn of course!!):

    Birdcage, White, Small

    I just need to pick a color to paint it!!
    I think I'm leaning towards white just because it'll be the most versatile during each changing season!!

    I also found this huge glass jar!!!
    I love its shape and size.......also reminded me of something you would find in PB!!

    and it was only $8.99!! 

    I found this inspiration picture online.........I love the idea of putting some filler followed by some long branches inside!!

     I think it would also look cute filled with mini white pumpkins and leaves during the Fall months!!

    Lastly, 2hotty and I found some books (I almost always walk out of Goodwill with atleast one book in hand.........they're just super cheap!!):

    Scott got a Golf for Dummies book and I found a Suze Orman book (I was in need of some financial advice with all the money I was saving shopping at Goodwill! haha!)

    Oh and that blue book in the back is a cookbook from one of my favorite chefs on t.v..........Giada De Laurentiis........I just love her (I think the book was a $1)!!

    Wow overall this trip to Goodwill was pretty awesome!! I found some good stuff for cheap prices!!
    SO proud!!

    So tell me..........what were some of your cheap finds lately?!?!?!

    PB LOVE,
    xoxo Joanna D.


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