Friday, July 22, 2011

Love and Marriage

What perfect timing!!! Kellyskornerblog is hosting a "show us your life" segment and today the topic is: Your Best Marriage Advice. 

Perfect timing too because next week marks the week of mine and 2hotty's (my husband Scotty) 4th wedding anniversary..............and over here at SP4E(suited perfectly 4 eternity) I will have special posts dedicated to our love story (how we met, the proposal, marriage, honeymoon, and where we are now)!!  

(need to upload some better wedding pictures but these will do for now!)

If you go on over to kelly's website..........she pretty much said it perfectly herself (hello and welcome to all of you lovely souls who've come over from her blog)!!  She's been married 8 years and feels like she shouldn't give much advice on this topic yet...........well with only (almost) 4 years under my belt, I feel like I'm just learning myself!!!

Isn't that what marriage is all about anyway..........learning and teaching (and compramise)!!!

 I guess my favorite piece of advice is to NOT "sweat the small stuff".....because it can always be worse right?!? (I'm still learning how to do this!)

For example, say he accidentally drops a plate (from your grandmothers china collection) and it shatters all over the floor. For most, the first reaction would to make him feel bad and maybe even scream at him till your face turns blue!!  But really is that plate really worth the argument and the hurt feelings toward each other?!?!  (Don't sweat the small stuff......he cant go back and it wasn't intentional..... and hey Greeks do it all the time...OPA!). 

Perhaps he drops your favorite earring down the drain (hey don't sweat the small you have another excuse for him to buy you another pair......Tiffany's!?!)

Or my personal favorite (which I'm guilty of) he folds the laundry a certain way which you feel is totally the wrong way!!! Who am I to say his way is the wrong way and mine is the right?!?! (really Joanna.....don't sweat the small will go into a drawer and nobody will see it anyway........oh and save yourself an argument!!)!!

I  can go on and on about the "small" arguments I've witnessed or have been a part of myself.........better cut myself off here though before 2hotty starts believing it and I will be eating my words later on....HA!!! It's actualy quite silly after typing it all out and thinking of all of the things I've been mad at Scott for (so sad but very true!).

In summary, most of the things that people tend to argue over are just really small and petty little things when looking at the grand picture and it's really just NOT worth it!!!

For the most part 2hotty and I almost never argue and if so its about this same exact small petty stuff which we are working so hard at not to do!!!
Remember I said marriage is all about learning.............well we will forever be students till the day we die on this topic!!!

I also love this quote: "remember the small things in life for they will someday be the BIG things"(unkown)!!  Isn't that so true........small everyday things such as a sweet gesture that is totally free in what we will be reminiscing about after we've grown old (and senile....haha!) together!!
I just love that quote!!

I cant wait for next week so I can go down memory lane and share with all of you our amazing love story!! After 6 years of being with each other.......our love is everlasting and continues to grow and deepen!! We've been put on a roller coaster and have been riding high ever since (well not in that way....haha!)!!!! I'm spending the rest of my life with a great partner and trully my best friend and I cant wait for many many GREAT years to come and many many new memories we will make!! (can I get an AMEN!!!)

xoxo Joanna D.


  1. Great advice! I mentor women to not argue since it tells us not to over and over again in the Bible. We are to be at peace with everyone, especially our husbands. Keep up the good work!

  2. Aww thanks Lori!!! Wow 30 years married........I aspire to have a relationship just like you have with your husband as well as your children!! I think that's why its very important to look at the grand scheme of things and just live life the way He would want us too....without any arguing!! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!! xo Joanna D.

  3. So true!! We so often do argue about petty things. Great post! I am stopping by from Kelly's Korner...I love your funny quirky writing style and I LOVE Pottery Barn!! I am following you now!

  4. Thanks Theresa for stopping by!!!! PB is awesome but their prices aren't!!!! I try to duplicate their style on the cheap........I'm redoing a thrifted coming soon!! Have a great day!!

  5. Hey sweetheart your philosophy is great follow it to a tee. I see you and Scott lasting like Joel and I. Always and Forever.....Leanne

  6. You are so right about not sweating the small stuff...I am laughing about the laundry folding...guilty here too!
    Love your blog!

  7. Aww Leanne I'm so proud of you for commenting......I miss you....I don't miss work....but I miss you..HAHA! I wish every marriage can be as wonderful as yours is with example of a happy, loving, and trusting relationship!!! See ya Tuesday!!


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