Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Last weekend we went on a little road trip to St. Germain, WI!!!

What's in St. Germain you might be wondering?!?!?!

Well, absolutely nothing besides big ol' lakes and lots of tall trees!!!

So I'm sure you could guess where I'm going with this?!?! 

Remember my 2011 Bucket List that I updated a couple months ago?!?! Number two on the "To Do" list was to go camping this year (I also added that we would go "ruffin it" camping.........whatever that means. HA!).

Well this trip wasn't exactly "ruffin it".............we did sleep in a cabin (as apposed to a tent) with running water, working appliances, a bathroom, kitchen, heating and air conditioning!! I would say it was more like "Glamping" rather than camping...........................and that was A OK with me (who am I trying to prove anyway!).

Swimming in a green lake and hanging out by a bonfire with my sweats eating pudgy pies was enough ruffin it for me.

I was just content leaving work drama and chores at home for a few days so that I can take in the fresh air and disconnect from the real world to just reboot if you know what I mean!!

It was a lot of fun and we are so thankful for our friend Chris (aka Cupid) and his family for inviting us into their vacation rental so that we can do a little R&R ourselves!!!

After our 3 hour ride (with some pit stops along the way) we arrived at our destination!  I must say that getting there late at night wasn't an ideal situation (at least not for me) because the dark woods of Northern Wisconsin made me think that at any point there would be a scary looking dude walking down a (non lit) road with a chainsaw or an ax in hand ready to slay us right then and there for some odd reason........I think 2hotty made me watch way too many scary movies!! I was reassured that we I was going to OK and before I knew it we were at the cabin that we would call home for the next few days!! PHEW!

 After getting there we unpacked and couldn't wait to get a campfire started right away:

(more like cupids brother started the fire and we just sat back and watched........we were "Glamping" after all!)

One thing I couldn't wait for was to make some delicious pudgy pies!! Its my favorite campfire treat and I had a lot of fun watching everyone make up some fun and different flavors!

(here is everyone looking very focused at making their own pies)

(you put the pudgy pies on a stick thingymagiger and heat them up in the fire for a few minutes to let them crisp up)

(half eaten final product......yup they are that good........I couldn't wait to dig in......literally!)

After filling up on pies (and breaking my diet......EEK!) we attempted to sparkler spell!! I've been so fixated on doing this since the Fourth of July!!

here is Chris' signature

I did say we "attempted" didn't I?

here is whatever Scott was trying to spell (not really sure if he knows how too......j/k hunny love you!)

Here is my squiggly!!

The next morning (Friday) we woke up to some cloudy and chilly weather.  We made the most of it though and it did start to warm up throughout the day.
First we took a nice and relaxing boat cruise along the lake where we saw the most amazing thing!!

wait for it........

wait for it...........

wait for it.......

wait for it.......

wait for it.................

wait for it.........

haha this is just too funny not to include!!
wait for it...........

OK the most amazing thing we saw........


Not just one, two, or even three..............there were lots and lots of them!
 We had fun scouting them out and every time we saw a speck of white in the trees someone would shout out "there's another one"!!

This is where I wish I had a better zoom on my canon rebel. SIGH.

(here are the huge nests they create at the tree tops)

Needless to say the boat ride was a success!!
Besides Eagle scouting and funny picture taking...... I also had fun taking pictures of some wild life...........

............and peoples vacation homes!! Wow are some of the homes just amazing.  Lake front cabins that are bigger then many homes I've been do people ever afford places like that!

(not sure what this is but it looks like lots of fun!!)

we also passed through this to get to the other side.......I must say I really thought we were going to get stuck:

When we got back it was time to get our feet body wet and jump in the cold water so that we could do some fun water activities such as...........



Neither of us (besides Chris' dad) could get up.......and yes there may or may not have been some naughty Viagra jokes after each "I cant get up" comment!!

and this water activity......I'm not sure what you would call this (HA I almost peed my pants watching these two!):

sorry for the blurry pics I couldn't breath.....let alone snap a picture!!!

After all the water fun we got dressed up to have a delicious steak dinner at a local restaurant!! (Thanks Bob and Edna for the wonderful meal we cannot Thank You both enough!)

This is the Steak before:

...............and here it is after my husband demolished it (that little piggy!):

Oh and I took some fun landscape pictures too!!
 It was just SO beautiful and very calming......totally put me in my zen:

Just keepin it real folks............thanks for stopping by!!

Joanna D.

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