Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Fun in The Dells

If you live in the Midwest you've probably visited Wisconsin Dells,WI a time or two before!!  As for me I have been going to the "The Dells" since I was a little girl, driving up on the weekends with my parents when we still lived in Illinois to now where we live very very close (for those of you who know me I'm sure you are laughing out loud right now!! :-) )
If you have never visited before, Wisconsin Dells is known as the "water park capitol of the world" where a lot of people of all ages come to enjoy this fun touristy town!!!  If you ever do have a chance to visit you must go to one of the many fun water parks such as Noah's Ark, try a Duck ride, go to a Tommy Bartlett ski show, whiz around Lake Delton on a Jet boat ride, etc....etc!!
So to start off our summer, my husband and I try to dedicate a few days every year where we can roam around the dells pretending to be just like tourists (at a much cheaper price of course)!! This past Saturday during Fathers Day weekend we spent the whole day visiting two of some of our favorite attractions:

Noah's Ark Water Park was our first stop where we soaked up (some) sun!! Sorry....Lucky for me and lucky for you ...... I wasn't able to snap any pictures in the park because I didn't want to risk a.)having some punk kid steal it (hey punk kids it is so not cool to steal) and b.) loosing it (and leave it to me to lose something)!!  Just trust me you wouldn't want to see pictures of me in my swimsuit anyway (I would have to spend just about all day photoshopping my thunder thighs..HA!) but maybe next time I'll snap a picture of 2hotty with his shirt off (now that's something worth looking at :-) )!!

Just to prove that we actually did go I did snap a picture of this:

Our wrist band:

Noahs Ark's new ride this year is called, Scorpions Tail, and it is awesome (with a capital AWESOME)!!! I don't do heights very well, especially when it involves me going down a small tube that is soaking you with water at every angle and where you are zooming down super fast!! For some reason I still have this kid in me where I have NO fears what so ever and I feel invincible to all my surroundings (I'm sure a lot of you do too)!!! After a few tame rides, my husband and I worked up the courage to conquer this ride.  It didn't help much after reading a sign (before walking up the stairs that lead to the ride) that read "warning: if you get stuck on this ride be sure to come to a full stop first and wait for a lifeguard to help RESCUE you"(somewhere along those lines anyway!)!!  Ya!!....I now know why the water in the lazy river looks a bit green (hmmmm think about it blue + yellow = green)!!! Then ACTUALLY watching all the people go down this long tube screaming at the top of their lungs didn't help much either!!! Each person gets weighed first (one by one) and then walks into this tube vessel thingy (hard to explain) where you are told to cross your arms against your chest and look straight ahead, then when given the signal (by counting down from 3) the floor drops from under you and you go shooting down and looping around super fast (with water splashing you from every angle) trying to catch your breath until you finally reach the bottom (with a wedgie mind you!)!! I was sooo scared but it was SUPER fun and will have to work up the courage to try it all again next year!!

After spending a few hours at the water park we headed on over to the Tommy Bartlett ski show!! This show involves water ski acts, high speed boats, comedians, tumblers, jugglers, and so much more!!! The show usually changes every couple of years but the concept is pretty much the same!!  We went to the night show (highly recommend that one) and lasts for a couple of hours!! We were able to sit close to the stage with really nobody sitting in front of us (always a bonus)!!
Here are a few pictures I was able to snap before BOTH of my cameras died on me (oh and I snuck in my Starbucks too (such a rebel I tell ya....just like my camera(s)!!):

This is my "I'm Guilty" face.....which is also my "I swear officer I wasn't speeding" face:

Oh ya baby.....come to mama with those baby blues:

told ya nobody sitting in front of us:

a view of the lake and one of the acts:

our host and Aqua the clown (one of the main characters of the show and my favorite clown):

Here he is skiing (Go Aqua its your birthday!!):

The skiers getting ready to go off the ramp:

This thing scares me every time we go (and we were sitting right in front of it)!! I can barely watch the acrobat couple who get in this at each end (without any ropes or equipment) and make it go round and round very fast!! Did I mention they weren't using any equipment and it was very high up.... YUP!! Pregnant women shouldn't try watching this part of the show (trust me they will go into labor!)! Oh and that's not the scary part......the guy even gets out of the circle thingy and JUMP ROPES (and gets all tangled while he's way up there too!)!! Oy!!.....I get goosebumps just thinking about it!!:

And that's all I got!! Can you believe I had both of my cameras and they both ran out of battery juice?!?! Needless to say we had a Funarrific day (it took a bit of tryin to convince the hubster that a day in the dells was much "funner" than a day spent golfing. You don't want to see my "pretty please with a cherry on top" face)!!!

So tell me have you visited the Dells lately?  Were you able to try the Scorpion Tail ride (what a rush, huh?!?!)? How about that funny, silly clown Aqua.......does he annoy you like he does my husband or do you just love him like as much as I do??  I would love to hear all about your Dells experience!!

Summer fun,
xoxo Joanna D.

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