Saturday, June 11, 2011

Caught a bug

So lets talk buttons!! You might be wondering...Buttons! Why buttons?!? Yes you are reading the screen correctly and YES I said typed buttons.  You the buttons on clothing that usually come with extras that just get placed in a jar or lost in your junk drawer (if your anything like me) foreva and eva!!

does such a small button need to be placed in such a big baggie?? haha!

Usually they are least to me they are (how often do you resew a button?? Me???.......slim to none.)!!! Well not anymore!........I have a solution for your button problems........just in case you had "button problems"!! HA!  There are many projects out there that you can make out of buttons (just google'll see!) I found an inspiration picture online and couldn't resist making this cute project for my cutie patootie nephew who lives three hours away and who I don't get to see as often as I would like!!

It's his initial and I will show you step by step on how you can make your own!!! Yes I officially caught the bug......(no I'm not sick)......I caught the crafting bug!!

What I used:

Picture Frame
scrapbook paper

Lets get started! (WARNING: I had a few extra steps when it came to the frame. You probably will not have the same problem as me!! Don't let the first couple of steps (down below) cramp your was my fault for using this frame!)

I first started out by disassembling my frame.......HUH???.....(you'll see)! 

Remember this frame that I purchased at my almost favorite store (second to the Coach store of coarse....haha!) Goodwill:

Well I didn't realize that the hardest part (of this whole project) would be fussing with this frame! What a hot mess (think Britney Spears circa "when she got all crazy and shaved her head")! Don't worry I was able to work around the issue and make it shine again (think Britney Spears circa "when she was still hot and heavy with JT)!!

 It was only about 4 dollars after all:

You see this whole frame was made for one purpose and one purpose only..... hold this hippo picture in place!

Therefore I had to peel back all of the layers:

take out the cardboard that was holding the picture in place:

and then take out the Hip Hip Hippopotamus picture:


You can skip the above steps entirely if you purchased the correct "NORMAL" frame unlike little ol' me over here!! But like I said it was only 4 buckaroos and for that price it was totally workable!!

Next I took a short coffee break..........

......totally necessary when working really early (like 11am) on a Saturday morning!! haha.

Next I printed out the initial (in the font I wanted) on my computer:

cut it out (no really "Cut It Out"........remember uncle Joey from Full House!!):

picked out the card stock color I wanted:

taped and traced the initial onto the card stock (I would recommend using a pencil and not a pen like I did!):

so that you have an outline of where the buttons should go:

Next you take your craft glue:

and your long lost buttons..........or if your lazy like me (and don't feel like scavenging through the house) you buy them instead:

Now start gluing:

I know it looks a bit rough here but the glue dries clear......I promise!

let dry for a bit before gluing on the next layer (I placed it outside on a nice sunny day for a little while and the glue dried fairly quickly).

layer buttons until all gaps are filled in like this: are done with Z peekcha (insert me using a french accent here!)

You can also personalize it by writing the name/bible verse/poem...etc.. directly under the button initial (I planned on it but it didn't work out the way I wanted so I personalized the back of the frame!)

I glued the card stock directly onto the back of the frame and added some ribbon to make it look less harsh (and to prevent scratching of the wall) along with a bible verse:

Total cost: ( owned everything but the frame and buttons) about $6 big ones!!! Not to shabby for some adorable wall art!!
Overall I think it turned out pretty cute "manly" for this 2 month old!! (His dad is probably reading this and would prefer me not to use "cute" to describe it! ha ha)
We are celebrating his Baptism this weekend and I cannot wait to be with him and my family on this very special day!!
I know God has big plans for you Nathaniel and if you let Him......He will show you the way!! 

So tell me.......have any of you had the crafting bug lately???? I'm thinking I may just keep this stride going while I'm still feeling inspired to make new things that are made with love for special people in my life!! (It makes me all fuzzy inside!)  What did you think of my project (I can take the truth and nothing but the don't hold back!) considering it was my first time making something like this?? Or how about any "situations" that got in the way (such as my frame dilemma)? Comments/Questions....leave it below!

Caught a bug......the crafting bug,
xoxo Joanna D.

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