Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Wardrobe Wish List

Here are my inspiration wardrobe wishes for the upcoming winter months!!

They are from (I love this website.......who needs a fashion stylist when you have polyvore!!)!

I would definitely LOVE to have all of these pieces in my yesterday!!

Just a warning the following pictures will cause you to drool like a teenage boy looking at porn for the first time {quick go grab a napkin :-) }

Casual "shopping" outfit:  The sweater just screams Comfort and Cozy!! I'll take every color!!

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Cocktails with friends outfit: (I would pair this outfit with some black knee high heeled boots.....especially if you live in the Midwest like I do!)

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Holiday Party Outfit: (this outfit looks so classy and timeless!!)

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New Years Eve Party outfit: (HOW FUN?!?!?! LOVE the sparkly shirt and bright red lipstick!)

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Do you have a big puddle of drool on the floor........I warned you!! 
Now I cannot wait to go shopping and find similar items (in my price range!). These are just some inspiration pictures to act as my guide so I actually buy things I NEED (instead of buying random pieces that probably were on sale and will only go with one other thing in my closet.....I do that a lot.....I'm such an impulse shopper!)!!

Do you do the same thing?!?!?! (It's just easier knowing what to look for at the store!!)  Do you have any favorites pieces found on polyvore?!?! Any one know where I can get my hands on one of those cozy sweaters above?!?!?

xo Jo


  1. I'm obsessed with the first three (I haven't been able to pull of shorts since like freshman year of college...). And yes, I'm SUCH an impulse shopper, too!

  2. You know I'm all about the impulse shopping! Let's not forget our Victoria Secret shopping spree back in the day ... "10 years from now we won't even remember this" well, I still remember haha!

  3. @Caitlin I bought some tweed shorts a few years ago for a few bucks to wear in the winter and I love them. I'm a curvy girl and it def helps when I wear them with thick black tights. I'm sure you could pull em off too!! ;-) xo Jo

    @Ela you made me spit out my coffee this morning!! I def remember our VS shopping spree. It's sad.when the employee is telling us that not even she spends that much money there. I def remeber that day.......and the receipt $$$ it was yesterday. Maybe 10 more years will help. Lol. Miss your guts!! xo Jo


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