Monday, August 8, 2011

Wedding Week: Anniversary Adventures


So I left you off with THIS post about what I gifted Scott this year for our 4th wedding anniversary (and our previous anniversary gifts) and also had mentioned that I planned a surprise Anniversary Adventure for 2hotty!!!

Nominee for the Best Wife in the World.......ME perhaps?!?!?!

Well I showed you this book which was the spark to the fuel that made me decide on what I was going to do for him this year!!

Yes I know BEER was the theme and I was going to run with it (who am I?!?!)!!

I figured what better place to take Scott than a place where they make the!?!!  Yup I took him to a local brewery!!  Have you ever tried a Spotted Cow before?!?!  Well if you have.........that particular beer comes from New Glarus, WI which is about an hour and half from our house!  I figured that the brewery shouldn't be the only thing we could do that day, so I planned out a few side trips as well!!

Our first stop was Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison, WI.  I figured we needed a place to go before heading to the brewery because it was like 10 a.m. and who wants to drink beer for breakfast?!?!  Wait........I shouldn't of asked that because my husband is probably raising his hand right now!! Well I should say that "I" didn't want to drink beer for to the gardens we went!!  They also had a butterfly exhibit when we were there:


you can even get married cool is that!!


Is that just not breath-taking!! It was truly a beautiful site walking through all the paths and seeing different bright colored flowers just everywhere!! In my dream world this is what my backyard would look like.......pavilion, butterflies, bear topiaries and all!!!

The heat and all the walking (hand in hand with my handsome lovey....aww!!) had us exhausted and very HUNGRY!!

 So we headed to Muramoto's for some SUSHI (our absolute favorite sushi spot whenever we are in Mad Town!!):

After lunch I took Scott to Dick's Sporting Goods so he could pick out his B-day Gift.........a golf club!!

Finally we took a very pretty scenic drive to New Glarys (only a half hour drive from Madison) so that 2hotty can get his beer-drinking on and see where it comes from!!

Let me just tell you............this is BY FAR not your ordinary looking brewery (actually I've never been to any other breweries but I never imagined them looking like this) is NEW and very fancy schmancy!! This place is amazingly clean and just GORGEOUS!!!

2hotty wasted absolutely NO time going in...................

..........well right after I made him take another picture! Just look at that face!! HA! Oh BTW aren't those doors just dreamy...........definitely dream home material!!

First we stood in a fairly long line to get our drinks and then we went on a FREE self-tour of the place!!! (the glasses were included in the price and we were able to take them home as a souvenier.  I bet you can't guess which one is mine?!?!)
I got Totally Naked (Joanna my goodness how dare you?!?!) and Scott got Spotted Cow (eww.....sounds like a disease you know where!)...................Not literally........those are just names of some of the beers they brew!! (Totally Naked was by far my favorite and spotted cow just sounds nasty and dirty but its really delicious!!)  I of course took a few sips as I was the one driving home..........ABSOLUTELY NO D&D is our rule of thumb!!!!

Hilarious.............I think Scott grew a pair of wings at that moment!!

The outside area was my favorite though!! It overlooks beautiful bluffs.......totally relaxing!!

and that's it that concludes our Anniversary (# 4) Adventure

Oh wait..............I still have to show you what 2hotty got me!!

The Traditional gifts:

some beautiful FLOWERS and some raspberry twizzlers (Hey raspberries are a FRUIT so it totally counts!!)

and this wonderful card:
I too had a card for Scotty:
I made it.........what's new??  I just took some remnant burlap fabric and stitched it together with some left over apple-green yarn (with a "4" detail to mark the year!)! As for the card(s) I added some sweetmessages such as: "4 Things I Love About You", "4 Memories I Love", "4 Things I'm Excited For", and the last one was a hand written message from me!!! I love when my creative juices are flowing!!
Lastly (but not leastly) Scotty got me a little somthin somthin that I have been LUSTING/DROOLING/SWOONING over for a couple years now!! It came in this little box:
with these words written on the top:
Oh yes my friends.............this is what I found inside:
This is the moment when I grew MY wings!!!!
Oh and does the manual count as a book??!?!
I still can't believe I own it!! I find my self staring at in instead of actually wearing it!! I've always wanted the gold watch but the white one is just as great (so trendy at the moment!!). 
Ya forgive me if I start whispering sweet nothings to my MK watch.......I'm so have no idea how long I waited for this thing!!
Wow one pretty hefty post..............but this was one pretty hefty year filled with lots of LOVE and Excitement!! I hope each year continues to be just as great!!
So now tell me have any of you enjoyed going to a brewery?!?! Trust me it's usually not my cup of tea but this time it really was my cup was just awesome!! How about all of those flutterbies and luscious green gardens?!?! Seriously we are going back in the fall..............actually we are going back to the brewery in the fall too!! Any MK lovers out there........I may or may not have refereed to it as "my precious" and snapped if anyone even looked at it.........NO JOKE!!
xoxo Joanna D.

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