Sunday, August 28, 2011

Zoo Kreeper

Ever feel like your being stared at by the animals whenever you go to the zoo?!?!?
Oh just me then.........thought so!! 
I swear they're eyeing me up and down like I'm a walking corn dog on a stick or something!! 
Just as long as they don't start "petting" me.......I'm OK with it!!

A few weeks ago, right after buying some fresh goodies at the FARMERS MARKET, 2hotty and I decided to visit the creepy animals at the (Madison's) FREE zoo!! 

We first headed to the lion attraction to see the new baby!!
He was just so darn cute and reminded me of our family dog, Max.
 Last year when we visited the zoo the "daddy" lion gave out a huge roar that echoed throughout the was pretty darn cool!!
I'm sure those little eyes only see one thing........a big ol' juicy steak with legs..............I'm talking about me here!!

Next up we saw the sea lions.
 I love these little rascals.
  They look like they are having so much fun ALL the time twirling and playing in the water!!

The giraffes are my favorite animals to see whenever we visit the zoo!!
They are just amazing creatures!!
They're oh so tall and beautiful...............If I could I would have one as a pet!

No mascara or falsies needed for this beauty:

Did you know that each subspecies of a giraffe has its own distinct pattern of spots and color?!?!

In college I had to do a report on how a giraffes circulatory system works and the effects their extremely elongated necks have whenever they lower it to drink water or eat grass!! 

When the giraffe lowers its head to drink/eat:

it is quite strenuous.
So to make a long story short (and not give you my five page report on it) the giraffe has an extremely LARGE heart which must generate about double the normal blood pressure for an average large mammal to maintain blood flow to the brain (you know so they don't pass out) in the amount of time it takes to drink water or eat grass!

I love this type of research!!!
Here is where I had a staring contest with Mrs. Thang the giraffe:

I'm quite competitive so I accepted the challenge.......they're vegetarians after know just in case!!

We about

stared at each other

for like five minutes

before she got ticked off

and started giving me dirty looks

and  even

stuck her tongue out at me!!

How RUDE!!

If  I didn't throw like such a girl I would've whipped my big black camera at her!!


The rhinososososaurous (cause I could never say this word without saying the "ososos" a few times!!) even stared and I just backed away very slowly because I didn't want a horn shoved up my you no what!!!

We passed another giraffe on our way back.........and I think he was single and ready to mingle!!

because he wasted no time

hitting up the camel "club"!! 
I can just here the pick up line....."So do you come here often?!?!"!! HAHA!

It's OK Mr. Giraffe you don't want their lady humps anyway!!

The polar bear was having a little snack when we got to it's exhibit!!
I think it was fish slush (I could imagine it tastes just like sushi in the polar bear world!!!)!
Thank Goodness it wasn't me!!

 But he did give me a "YOUR NEXT" kinda look!!

It was snack time for Mr. Brown Bear as well!!

Apparently me taking pictures of him was cramping his style because he looked at me like "Really?!?!? Do you have to take 200 pictures of me eating?!?!?!"!

The petting zoo is my 2hotty's favorite attraction at the zoo!!
I however stay five feet away at all times!!
They stink and apparently they don't have manners:

They slob all over you!!
Nasty slimy goop running all down the side of your hand!!

I'm sure 2hotty would take one home if I let him..............which will NEVER happen (so don't get any ideas!!)!

He gives them scratches on their back......

.....and feeds them from the palm of his hand!!
No way Jose.......ain't happening from this girl!!

They are kinda cute though........ know from five feet away!!

Apparently they like to eat fingers too!!
What is up with this zoo?!?! haha!
First the giraffes and bears and now the little goats! SHEESH!

The Buffalo are so darn stinky I snapped a quick picture while walking really really quickly to the next exhibit!! 
Ya sweltering ninety-five degree weather and stinky buffalo odor does a number to the nostrils.........kinda like getting poo shoved up your nose and then tasting it at the same time (not that it ever happened but I could just imagine!!)!!

Mr. turtle looked just so darn evil!!
I took this as a sign that we should leave know before all the animals started to retaliate and really did have us for lunch!!

Hey turtle come and get me............I dare ya!!

Mmkay you see what I mean about the animals giving me the stare down at the zoo......just creepy!! Do you get the same feeling as I do?!?!?  Oh please tell me there is more of you out there!!! 
I've always wanted to go on a African Safari..............but now I'm just not so sure!!

xoxo Joanna D.

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