Friday, August 12, 2011

SUYL: Bridal Showers

Hey everyone!!!

(Before I ramble on about this post I just wanted to inform y'all that I added a new page above called "2011 Bucket List" so go on and check it out!)

Today I'm linking up with to show you another "show us your life" segment.  This time we are talking all about BRIDAL SHOWERS!  In other words a pretty awesome party thrown for the bride and groom to be.......where they score some pretty cool things for their future abode!!!
How cool is that?!?!? 
SHYEAA I know!!
Love me some showers........well only when they're thrown in honor of me.......other than that I really don't care about them!!!
I swear I really do love planning them as much as I love attending them. So today I will share with you my brother and sister in law's bridal shower held a few years back!! (I would show you mine but I really don't have too many pictures that I can find right now!!!) 
Their shower was absolutely BEAUTIFUL and so much fun!! 
Here are some pictures I "borrowed" from her website (BTW: she is an AWESOME photographer in the Chicago Area.......see for yourself.  CLICK HERE!!) :

The two "mommy's" and Aunt Liz working away on favors:

as Granny cut's up the ribbon:

The two "sistas" whipping up some pretty fierce cupcakes:

We can see 2hotty (my husband Scotty) was helpful with the know drinkin his beer and all (HA!):

Some bridesmaids taking a break (HA! Drinking on the job.....are we?!?!):

With all that hard work (WITH lots of L.O.V.E.) we made it look like this:


The color scheme was hot pink and orange:

Remember them fierce cupcakes I made?!?! They look pretty fancy schmancy on a cupcake tower adorned with crystals:

I even made these cute little "bugs" on each cupcake (coordinated with the color scheme of course.......attention to detail is everything in my book!!):

Speaking of cupcakes.........check out the sweet table:

Each guest walked away with a mini sized cook-book favor (Some in Polish and some in English):

Here is my sassy SIL (Iwona) and brother (Peter)......aren't they adorable?!?!!:

We also played toilet paper bride:

and even had them show off their fierce "dresses" project runway style:

this one is my favorite (that's because I helped design it..hehe!!):

Oh and I announced all the "brides" out!! (Ya I'm not sure where the mic came from but I picked it up and made a show out of it........who knew I had it in me?!?!):

Vera Wang ain't got nothing on these dresses: 

Lastly, the couple had lots of fun opening all of their beautiful gifts:

Girl.........I think you might need these:

Let's keep it PG shall we (HAHA!):

So that's it........a BRIGHT fun-filled bridal shower thrown at a beautiful venue, celebrated with lovely ladies, all in honor of my big brother and his (now) wife!!

It was a very special day for a very special couple!!
I hope you are able to take away some inspiration and ideas from this post!!
Thank you for visiting!!
If you have any questions.......don't hesitate to leave a comment below!!

xoxo Joanna D.


  1. Very nice!! Almost looks like a wedding in terms of decorations!! How many people attended?

  2. Hey Ker!! The shower was actually held at the same venue they had their wedding reception so they gave us a discounted rate and we were able to bring in our own food (as far as appetizers and desserts)! My side of the family is "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" I think they had about sixty ladies or so!! As far as the decorations, my aunt has her own chair-cover/linen business so we were able to borrow them for the shower and the centerpieces were cake stands filled with appetizers!! Thank goodness for creative family members(saved on cost!)!! xo Joanna D.


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