Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Twenty Twelve

Oh "Twenty Twelve" so NICE to finally meet you!!  Not that 2011 was all that BAD.  Actually it was somewhat a great year now that I think about it......but I'm just ready to start fresh.  Ya know what I mean?!?!  They say "the best is yet to come"! Let's just hope so because I'm way to busy to deal with any "bullyouknowwhatski" this year.....and we're only on day 3!! HA!!

So lets take a little trip down memory lane shall we and see what "we've" been up too (I guess 2hotty is my co-blogger even though he doesn't actually really contribute any of his time to this here blog.......well besides telling me to not embarrass him and to always write nice things about him!! Oh well I think I've broken both his rules.  This is my blog therefore I do what I want......Cartman style! HA!)!!

If you look at my profile you'll see that I started my blog in November 2010.  It is true I joined in November but I didn't write an actual post until April of 2011.  Shyea......five whole months to muster up the courage to write even one word on a single post!! I remember it like yesterday though.  I was sitting in the library when I decided to log into my blogger account and write my "hello I'm a new blogger" introduction post!!  Blogging......it's a bit intimidating I guess.  I played the "are people going to want to read what I've got to say" game in my head (5 months actually. HA!) before I decided "who gives a hoot" (if anything it would become my online journal) and pulled the trigger!!  It's been really fun and totally an outlet to diffuse all of the craziness that goes on upstairs.......as in all of my crazy, wild "2hotty doesn't want to listen to me for another DANG second" thoughts that the neurons in my brain fire off!! Yup my blog is what a pacifier is to a baby.......totally shuts me up for maybe an hour......than its back to overwhelming 2hotty with my craziness such as what that Theresa from the Real housewives said (cumin...haha!! she's crazy) , what color we should paint the paneling in the basement, and if he could possibly be a sweety and build me a wine bottle shelf so I could put it up on one of the walls in the kitchen!! Yup I'm totally THAT wife!

So here are some of my faves from April-December 2011:

* I share an Easter bouquet that I make for both my mommy's

 *We celebrate my mamma's Fabulous and Fifty Birthday Fiesta

* Our fun vacation to Chicago PART 1, PART 2, PART 3

* Yummy Strawberry Cheescake Bites I made........and cannot wait to make again once the weather is a bit warmer

* Discovering the beautiful world of Thrift Stores.  I'm starting to get the hang of it.....can't wait to show you some of my recent finds (I also got a comment from my favorite blogger - love that Katie B)

* Made about a hundred of these spicy antipasto kabobs for my nephews christening dinner

* Shared my husbands love for his number 2 thing ever......golf (I'm his #1.....at least I hope I am)

Shared with you our fourth wedding anniversary along with some of our wedding tidbits

Mapping out our vacation destinations (so far) with this home-made USA map I created

* Sharing my excitement about buying our first HOME

Making some Holiday decor such as this yarn wreath that you see all over the Internet (but I just can't get enough of)

* And wishing you all a Happy Holiday while showing you some pictures we used on our Christmas card this year

It's definitely not worded perfectly or the pictures aren't as great as I would like them to be......but just like me it doesn't have to be and I like it that way!!  I've definitely learned alot over these last few months and cannot wait to share even MORE with yous (I still have that Chicago in me......in Wisconsin we say ya'll but growing up in Chicago we say yous! You just never lose the Chicago swagger!)......that is if you can still stand to come back for any more. HA!  I don't blame you......2hotty started his very own ear plug collection so listening to my voice isn't as painful!!  But if you would like to add one more resolution to your list such as reading my blog :-)  I would really appreciate any feedback that you have for me.........really just for my sanity because I'm sick of listening to the voices in my head! HA!

xo Joanna D.


  1. That's going to be my resolution.....to read ur blog every new post! I'm hooked!!!!!



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