Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good News & Bad News

Today was a good news and bad news kinda day for me!!
Lets start with the bad news!

As I ended my shift at 5:30 today, I walked out to my car and noticed the back tire on my car had a flat. UGH!! No biggie right?!?!  All I had to do is drive the car to the tire place to have them add some more air into the tire.  Well that is what I thought! NO CAN DO!! My poor tire could not be saved.  It had popped from the side therefore giving me no choice but to buy a new tire.  So I waited an hour and a half in the waiting room. Ya just the thing I wanted to do after a long day at work (being so sarcastic there!!)!

I'm glad I didnt attempt to drive home and was able to get it fixed right away. I guess I have to look at it from both perspectives.  Yes it sucked waiting around when I could have been home wearing my comfy jammys and eating some dinner with my hubby.  And yes it sucked shelling out ninety bucks for one lousy tire but it sure as heck beats getting into a car accident.  Besides, I was able to catch up on reading posts from my favorite bloggers.  WIN WIN!!

I broke my diet!!  Yes...BAD GIRL!!  I could not resist!  There was a HUGE snicker bar (my weakness) display in front of the register!!  I couldn't take it anymore, so I walked up to the lady and asked her to throw it on my tab while I waited for my car to get done.  I know.....I know!! Hey if anything else was going to go wrong tonight I might as well have one of my favorite things to eat in the world.  Oh yes chocolate,.....godsend I tell ya!!! I ate it.  Well more like scarfed it down.  And I'm not talking a fun size candy bar either.  I'm talking like the family (MONSTER) size kind.  The kind that has like a million calories in it!!  Oh ya and then I licked the rest of the chocolate off my fingers (and maybe the wrapper).......twice!!  It felt so good......but it felt so wrong (name that song)!!

I finally made it home to see my sweet hubbys face.  He's not feelin good.......poor thing!!  We had some salad for dinner.  I felt too guilty about the candy bar from before so I had to balance it all out.  The story of my life!!  Wanna know the best part about getting home?!?! 

I ran downstairs to look at this:

The basement paneling I talked about HERE was el finito: 

2hotty finished painting the mancave/entertainment room yesterday!!!! WaaHoo!!! I was able to snap a few pictures this morning and couldn't wait to get home so I could share it with all of you (well just the 2 of you (Hi Iwona and Aunt Lynne) HA)!!

The paint color looks great painted over the paneling.  I love that you can still see the wood grain through the paint!! It gives the wall some texture and that rustic that!!! It is a mancave after all!!


Now for the before and afters:

 It went through 4 stages.  The first pic is what it looked like when we first moved in. Then we decided to hold off on painting the paneling and tackled the walls first and painted them a blue slate color.
Then just last weekend, 2hotty conquered the beast.  He kicked some serious BUTT!!  It looks great!  The pic on the left is in the priming stage and the pic on the right is what it looks like now.  I love it!! I take no credit......2hotty did ALL of the work!! I just picked out the paint colors!!  WIN WIN!!

Again what it looked like before:

and After:

AHHH so much better!!
I can't wait to keep on going and continue to tackle even MORE house projects! I just need to make friends with the energizer bunny!! Any one know him?!?!?! Oh well "one weekend at a time" is my mantra these days!

So that was my day!! Kinda all over the place!! Wanna hear some more bad news?!?!  We are suppose to get up to six inches of snow tonight!! (No more fourty degree weather....WAH!) Wanna hear the good news?!?!  I'm so thankful I dont live in Alaska where they had to dig out of eighteen FEET of snow!! Oh yes........learning to live a little more optimistic these days.  Check that off my New Years resolutions list!!

xo Jo


  1. As somebody who got into an almost-very-deadly (tire popped while driving 75 on I95 - I was just lucky there wasn't a car immediately behind us) accident, peace of mind is always better... even if it comes between sitting on your couch and relaxing :)

    Looks great - what is the wall color?

  2. So scary!!! Now that I think of it I felt my car jerk a little that morning driving to work.....thank goodness I got there safe and sound!! PHEW! We used Behr paint but color matched Smokestack by Benjamin Moore!!


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