Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Some Resolutions

OK so actually its more like goals, we just call them resolutions the first few weeks of January, right?!?!

I decided not to make any resolutions this year because frankly (Scarlett) I never (ever) keep them!! Does anyone really?!?! I'm sure there are maybe a handful of people that do.
When I asked 2hotty (my hubby) if he was making any he replied with two:  "drink less" and "be kinder to people"!! This just cracks me up and should to anyone who knows him!! When he says "drink less" you would think he had a drinking problem and that I should be worried and advise him to go to an AA meeting.......but really he only drinks socially!! So I don't know why this is one of his resolutions. The second one is just carazy........he is one of the kindest people I know.  He wouldn't hurt a fly (true story) and he makes me look like Hitler!! So I suppose his resolutions will be fulfilled!! Good job hunny!

I do have a few goals that I would like to accomplish throughout the year.  So I guess I DO have a few resolutions.  Mostly house stuff!  I'm trying to break them up monthly so it doesn't overwhelm me too much like this picture does:

Scotty decided to take down some of our Christmas decorations one day while I was at work and this big pile of Christmas mess is what I came home to. 

It's all over our living room next to the tree!!
Hey what's red and green and glitter all over?!?!  MY LIVING ROOM!!

Then he proceeds to tell me that "WE" should really organize the decorations so it is not such a hotmess the next year!! I know by "we" he really meant "you"!! I'll get on that maybe by the Fourth of July!!

Anywho back to my MONTHLY resolutions!  So here is what I want to accomplish the month of January:

For the home:

- Paint the paneling in the basement

We've painted the walls but now it's time to tackle the beast!!  I'm sure our house will sound like a truck stop the night we decide to do you better duck before you get smacked in the face with the F bomb flying from 2hotty's mouth!!  Sounds like fun, no?!?!

- Paint the paneling in the kitchen

(Please forgive the mess but this is what happens when you tell your husband to take down Christmas decorations........they literally take it down and set it on what ever is the wreath in the middle of the kitchen table!! HA!)  You can see the paneling peeking through behind the chairs.  I'm thinking white is the way to go! 

 - Hire an electrician to add in a few lights in the Family Room and take out the current ones:

The chandelier things have got to "Sayonara don't let the Christmas decor trip you out the front door" GO!!! It's really cramping my kinect game style!! How am I suppose to do the muscle man move properly without smacking my hand on that thing?!?!   Maybe recessed lights?!?! Please help if you have any suggestions!

- Buy a couch for the Family Room

I think we have it narrowed down to two.

This one from Ashley Furniture:

 or this one from American:

Sorry this is the best picture I could find!! I love that this one comes in two pieces and the chaise is super comfortable!! What do you think?!?!

- Work on my office/beauty room

Now for some of my personal goals to help with my sanity:
- Eat less
- Exercise more
- and Pray to Jesus!!

I'm sure it is but I just choose to make bad choices......don't judge me!

To some this may sound like a breeze to accomplish in a month and to some this may sound like a ridiculous "all you can eat buffet" platefull (Like it is to me.  Holding a paint brush is the last thing I want to do at the end of a work day.) but we are willing to tackle it one weekend at a time (and when I say "we" I mean 2hotty!!)

 So what are some of your Resolutions?!?! Anyone ever have to paint paneling before?? The previous owner was a hunter and liked the cabin look a little TOO much!!! Isn't it kinda sad taking down Christmas decor!!  It made such a difference in making the house a bit more "homey" (especially since we dont have much furniture to boot)!!   xo Jo


  1. haha LOVE Scott's cleaning job! I’m super excited to see the progress on your house! You know how they have tree trimming parties? You should have a paneling paint party (BYOB = bring your own brush!) and have everyone do some work! You would get done in no time! <3

  2. Lol. Ya ill have to trick em like...."were havein a body painting party" otherwise nobody would show up and frank the tank is out of commission this weekend....he's in your neck of the woods!!


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