Friday, January 13, 2012

Ikea digs for our new digs

I think an Ikea trip is in order in my near future.  I've been making mental notes every time I see something online or in the catalog that I need or like. Then I realize that my mental notes aren't always so great, especially when going to a place like Ikea.  It's like my mind goes blank when I step foot in that place! Does that ever happen to you?!?! I can never go in there and get the stuff that I NEED because those stinkin showrooms always convince me otherwise.  Ikea is so clever when it comes to setting up their model rooms!! The last time we went 'somebody' had Swedish meatballs on the brain the whole time.  Ikea is a drive away from our house (about three hours) so 2hotty and I are both usually starving by the time we get there.  I always try to hold off on eating because I want to get my shopping done first, but clearly that wasn't going to happen with my 2hotty.   Putting him in a store when he's hungry is like telling Snooki to join a convent......AINT HAPPENIN!! Now looking back I guess I should have made an actual (with a pen and paper) list of the things I wanted to get............or perhaps have gave in and eatin first?!?!  HA!

Now to make a long story short I am dedicating this post solely to all the items I want to purchase the next time we make the haul (pun?!?!?!) and this time I will be prepared! Oh yes no starving husbands will ruin my trip and I will come back with boxes this time and not just a tote with random things inside.  All I will have to do is look up this post on my phone and "Wahla" the rest is history!  Now lets just hope my phone does not die on me, then I'll be right back to square one!! The story of my life!

Here are the things I'm diggin for our new digs :-)

A few of these Lack Shelves in White $20

The picture was too awkward to post on here.  They are basically floating shelves that I want to hang up on the wall behind our kitchen table.  I want to be able to display things like dishes and platters that I'm not using at the moment and jazz them up for each season/occasion!! 

Sorta like this:
I want floating shelves.
 Sheepskin rug for our guest bedroom: $30

I think these are so fun!! The rug reminds me of Poland.  I bought a real sheep fur rug the last time I visited, which I haven't really found a spot for yet.  I'm thinking this white one from Ikea will look perfect in our guest bedroom downstairs.  We painted the room recently.  It is a bright 'eye-poppin' color so I need some natural elements in the room to balance things out. 
RENS Sheepskin, white

Cowhide Rug: $200
This is a really bad picture that Ikea had on their website (I want the more spotted one. HA!). Its a statement piece and I think I could make it work in a few rooms in our house like our living room, mancave, or future boys nursery (if we ever have a boy that is)?!?!  We'll see......might have to convince the hubs with an actual mood board of some sort.  You know, of how it will actually look in each room.  He needs visuals.....lots and lots of them!! If I tell him an idea, he right away bashes it. Until I show him what it could actually look like and then he's totally on board!  Oh my 2hotty can you just leave all the decorating up to me?!?!  Life would be so much easier that way! HA!

KOLDBY Cowhide, assorted patterns Max. area: 48.44 sq feet Min. area: 34.44 sq feet  Max. area: 4.50 m² Min. area: 3.20 m²
Expedit Shelving Unit: $60 
I want need to make over our coat closet ASAP (I hate to open the closet door for fear of being toppled by "stuff" to death)! Therefore I want need this to hold baskets full of scarves, hats, and basically anything else I shove in there!! Oh and now that I'm thinking of it, make that two of these units.  I'll need one for my closet in the Diva Headquarters as well! :-)

EXPEDIT Shelving unit, white Width: 17 3/8 " Depth: 15 3/8 " Height: 72 7/8 " Max load/shelf: 29 lb  Width: 44 cm Depth: 39 cm Height: 185 cm Max load/shelf: 13 kg

Magazine Files: $3/2pack
I DESPERATELY need these magazine files.  I'm a magazine hoarder collector and I need some to take care of the magazine chaos that is scattered all over my house!! I admit it, I do have a problem.  A magazine hoarding problem.  I think I may need rehab!! :-0
KASSETT Magazine file, green Width: 4 " Depth: 9 ¾ " Height: 12 ½ " Package quantity: 2 pack  Width: 10 cm Depth: 25 cm Height: 32 cm Package quantity: 2 pack

Yup I think that is it for now!! I'm sure Ikea will suck me in and I'll come home with other 'stuff' but these are the necessities for now!! So tell me any sheepskin, cowhide rug owners?!?!  Do you love em'?!?!  Maybe you've purchased the shelf unit and didn't think it functioned so great?!?!  I want need to know!!  Oh and anything I'm missing that you think was a great buy from Ikea lately please let me know?!?!
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1 comment:

  1. I did a post about an Ikea run a while back... there's a ton of stuff I reallyreallyreally want.

    I have similar magazine holders from The Container Store. I wish I had seen them at Ikea first... way less expensive!


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