Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Belated V-Day!!

I know I was suppose to come back and share with you just ONE more V-day decor project to add to the arrangement that I had started in my entryway!!

Remember this:

Wall colors are more true to color here (natural light helps!):

Ya well my busy lazy schedule has overtaken and I never completed it!! It was suppose to be a book page wreath inspired from HERE:

Pinned Image

Good thing is, it's not really "Valentiney" so I still can make it (crossing my fingers sometime this week!)!!  Sorry my peeps but just keeping it real.  You know because "real life" has me working 40 plus hours a week and PJ's and a movie with 2hotty seems so much nicer at the end of a day then making a book page wreath. But I'm not a quitter and I will get it done therefore I've extended Valentines day into Valentines "month".  Your welcome.  HA!

What else have I (we) been up to lately?!?!

- Well we've been doing lots of shopping:

(I found this cute cross to hang over our front door at a local boutique and I heart it so much!!)

I absolutely LOVE anything driftwood!  I found this heart at Marshall's and I am obsessed with it!  It will find a permanent home in our bedroom but for now it is hanging in the kitchen:

These cute elephant salt and pepper shakers (Any DIY bloggers obsession: white ceramic animals. HA!):

- Booking a "girls only" trip to Panama City, FL that I'm super excited about!!! Just have to say I have a brave hubby (he suffers from "paronoia"!! lol.  Everything will be just fine. lubyou!)!!  Can't wait for some cold mojitoes in hand and the feeling of sand between my toes. AHHH! BTW, have you been?!?!  Have any recommendations on places to go/eat/do?!?!

- Hosting "date-nights" with our friends (LOVE THEM):

 There's nothing like drinking a few bottles of wine (and beer) and playing some games to start off the night:

I think the best part of the night was when we decided to play a "how well do you know your spouse" game!! Let's just say things got very interesting and I have never laughed so hard in my life!! BEST GAME EVER!! Highly recommend it......only if you have a good sence of humor otherwise it can lead to your spouse wanting a DIVORCE!! LOL!!:

(I think the question(s) here were: "What does your spouse buy alot of (I think)?" 2hotty said "purses"! lol.  Another question was: "Which body part does your spouse think is unproportional to their body?" This can get really funny here! LOL.  I said his "ears"!! Obviously he wasn't thinking the same thing!! LOL. Minus one point for me!!)

- I still have to share our new couch pictures and a review because WE LOVE IT so much!! Super comfy!!

- I also got the flu last week.  I know terrible right?!?!  First a bad sinus infection and then a week later I get the flu!! I blame my husband and co-workers!! We've all cought the nasty bug...UGH!!  Who wants to disinfect my house?!?!

This week I'm feeling MUCH better (or "Mo Betta") as 2hotty would say. lol.) and now I'm ready to start tackling more DIY around our little abode again!!

Enter the word "ORGANIZATION" here!!!  Yup that is what we've been up to lately.  It was out of desperate needs.  We couldnt take living the way we were anymore!! I blame it on the pit stops to my parents house.  We still have a ton of our stuff there that have been making its way home slowly but surely.  When I say making its way home I mean making its way into a cluttered mess in our spare bedrooms.  Wanna see?!?! (I'm warning you its BAD!!):

Ya our "stuff" has really taken over!!
Who you ganna call?!?!? Ghos----- NO......IKEA!!!  Yes what better place than Ikea to help with my organization needs!

- Our friend did me a HUGE favor and picked up a few things at IKEA:

He even got me this sheep skin rug (by total surprise) that I mentioned in my "Ikea Wish List" post a few weeks ago:

Love it!!!


 More specifically the closets in our house are getting a HUGE makeover.  The coat closet, my closet, and 2hotty's closet are getting a major overhaul.  I am over the moon because the taught of opening our coat closet before scared me.  EVERYTHING was shoved in there to a point of NO RETURN!!

2hotty got to work taking everything out (you have no idea what we found in there: wedding photo albums, serving bowls, hardwood floor samples, books, etc.! Ya it was bad.).

Here is our coat closet gettin painted by my lovely Valentine:

Here is a "sneak peak" picture:

"MY" closet also got the same treatment and I am loving on it so far:

So this is what we've been up to lately.  Kinda all over the place.  Some work and lots of PLAY!  That is why we have more unfinished projects around here than finished......yikes! the story of my life.   That said the word "organization" has been on the brain lately, because if my house is in shambles so is my life!! They say life is about balance......which I am having a hard time doing right now!!  Life is good though........CRAZINESS and all!!

So what have you been up to lately?!?!  Any makeovers?!?!  Any unfinished projects?!?  I bet yours are all finished unlike mine (its just I choose to be a lazy no good person!! haha!)?!!!  Any party hosting?!?! Know of any good games?!?!  Any divorces (wait dont answer that!)?!?!? How was Valentines Day?!?!  What did you give/recieve from your sig other?!?! Tell me I'm not the only one with organization on my brain!! HA! :-)

xoxo JD

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  1. AHHHh I LOVE that wreath! I am going to scour our local Marshalls tomorrow!!!

    1. Oooo ya I lucked out and snatched up the last one at my'll have to tell me if you were are able to find one in your neck of the woods!!!! ;-)


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