Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Wonderland

This year so far we've experienced a fairly mild winter here in Wisconsin (Are they still blaming it on global warming?).  I don't think the school kids even had one snow day from school this year. Kinda unheard of around here, usually they're making up like five days in June.  Not ganna lie though, I kinda like it.  I love not having to wake up extra early just to drive 25 mph to get to work or the fear of getting stuck in a ditch.  Ya don't really miss that at all!!  BUT, one thing I do miss (and I swore I would make it happen this year) was enjoying all of the winter activities I love to do such as skiing and ice-skating. Ya this year I was suppose to teach 2hotty the ways of the slopes and show off my triple axles skating moves (Just kiddin......I'm not that good......I can do a double axle! Ha!)  Oh well there's always next year, right?!?!?

2hotty and I did, however, get out one weekend to enjoy the "white stuff".  Nothing says winter to me like chucking a snowball at someone.
That someone just happened to be this guy:

We had ALL of our winter gear on because it was a wee bit chilly.  You likey my red snowshoes?!!?!

Last year for Christmas my 2hotty asked for a winter coat.  BUT not just any coat.  He wanted the North Face Mcmurdo Parka.  Ya I was surprised too.  I would've never guessed.  I was thinking more along the lines of a Playstation 3 or something like that.

 I guess I would compare this coat to a Ferrari......."what Ferrari is to cars is what the Mcmurdo Parka is to coats". It's HEAVY DUTY and keeps him oh so warm while he snow blows the drive way on those cold and chilly mornings. He lurves it.......and I lurve that I don't have to snow blow the driveway and instead I get to cuddle with my cozy blanket for a few extra minutes!!!!  Thanks hunny I hope you're enjoying the coat your parents bought you. :0) No but seriously I thought he was going to tell me we were moving to Antarctica or something. 

I was all bundled up too.  I grabbed anything that looked fuzzy and warm and put it on top of my head.  No Joke:

One nice thing about living on a golf course is the view that we have out our back yard.  It always looks so neat and groomed in the warmer months and like a "wintery wonderland" in the snowy months:

Wanna know the best part though?!?!  The best part about living on the course is having friends and family that live on the course too.  Yup my in laws live just around the corner from us......and if you can find the right angle in the back of our house you may even see a smidge of theirs.  HA!! It's actually what triggered us to get out and play in the snow.  Instead of driving to their house for our traditional Sunday breakfast we trekked the snowy hills and went on a little adventure. 

We waved good bye to our little abode:

No adventure is ever complete without a photoshoot along the least not on any of my adventures. HA!:

Over the hills and through the woods to my in laws house we go (I've always wanted to say that. ha!).  We passed the bridge (No trolls in sight. Phew.  Must have migrated to FL for the winter. ):

the stream that runs under the bridge:

The weeping willow tree (that I love oh so much!!) Can't wait until its looking green again:

And lastly the pond:

Footprints of a bunny maybe?!?! 

I hope it made across safely!!!

I couldn't wait to see this beautiful sight - the back of my inlaws house:

WE MADE IT!!!!  
 And we were greeted by one of the cutest dogs we know who wast just as EXCITED to see us......if not more:

Seeing this picture just warms me up!! Max is so sweet and full of hugs and kisses.  Love him to pieces! 

The one thing he loves the MOST is anything that includes H2O.......... like SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes he is a water baby and loves snow ball fights just like the rest of em:

He will wait patiently.............:

...........and always keeps his eyes on the prize:

He's so cute (may or may not be a little bias here):


Cold, wet feet and all!!

So any of you singing the winter blues yet?!?!?  I'm ready for some "Spring" in my life right about now.  I've already heard the birds chirping away and the geese have made their way back and settled in the pond.  What is it they say, "If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb"?!?!  I'm ready.....BRING IT ON!!  Now just crossing my fingers I don't wake up to ten inches of snow tomorrow because that is just my luck (I always jinx myself)!  The story of my life...... one step forward - two steps back! HA!  It is what it is!
xoxo Joanna


  1. Max is so cute!! I love Goldens.

    We've had a really mild winter too. I'm waiting for one more good snowstorm (preferably one that'll give me a long weekend) before the winter ends. I'm jealous of all of that snow!

  2. Ya I have a love/hate relationship with snow!! I think we have snow in the forecast these next couple of days maybe ill convince my husband to ski with me!!!! We usually have a big snowstorm in March...never fails!! But yes extra long weekends are nice!!


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