Monday, February 20, 2012

Book Page Wreath

YAY!! I completed the "book-page wreath" that I was suppose to make before Valentines Day!!! I started my arrangement but never finished the "complete look".

I use a Tupperware bin to store my craft stuff and dedicate a couple bins to store my unfinished projects.  Well I pulled the bin out and got to work (right before going to my "real" work.....AKA "the job that pays me"! HA!)!!

The "BIN" with unfinished project:

And this is what happened after a couple of hours sitting on the floor gluing pages to a wreath form:

I found a GREAT blog tutorial that helped me get started.  She did an awesome job showing all the steps to make this book page wreath.  You can visit her blog HERE if you want to make one for yourself!!  I followed her lead and gathered all of my materials. 

You'll need:

  • A Styrofoam wreath form ( I got mine at Joann's for about $2 with a 40% off coupon):

  • An old used worn-out CHEAP book (OK what better book to use for the month of LOVE than a book about a love triangle between two boys fighting (literally) to win the love of one girl, Bella?!?!?!) I know what you are thinking......"How DARE she rip up a perfectly good book written by an awesome author to use for a stinkin wreath"?!?!  Well I didn't use my personal copy, I got this one at the thrift store for about $1.  Actually I will come clean and tell you I haven't even read this series YET.  GASP!!! I know I probably lost all of my readers this very second.  But its true.....I don't know what I'm waiting for to tell you the truth.  I love all of the movies and even just watched Breaking Dawn last weekend. Goodness are they getting good.  I have promised myself to read them before the last movie comes out!  2hotty has even read all of the books. (sorry hunny I just cant help but to embarrass you at least one time in each post. hehe!)  When the last book came out......he was probably the only thirty year old male, amongst all of the thirteen year old Justin Bieber lovers and Edward Cullen cult members buying his copy of the book!  HA!  How cute right?!?!  Very manly indeed!  Ok ANYWAY (was that really necessary?!?!) HA!:

  •  A hot glue gun (mine's pink.....I love it):
  •  Some brown/grey paint OR metallic spray paint (you'll see why in a bit):


  • Some ribbon or yarn (to hang the wreath to the wall)!
Once you gather your materials, just plop (is that a word?!?!) yourself on the floor and "get-to-gettin".  Oh and don't forget your cup of "JO" to get you to "GO" :-) because you'll be down there for awhile (a couple hours at least)!!

This Jo needs her "jo":

If you watched/read "Lindsay's" tutorial you would have noticed she even has a video tutorial.  She shows a few ways to fold the paper (I used all of the methods to give me that "not trying to hard" look) to make it look rustic and not perfect.

Starting my first layer:

First layer complete:

Flip over and press down:

Second layer:

Third layer:

Fourth layer:

YUP it gets a bit redundant but look at this "prettyness":

Where was I?

Fifth layer:

Then I flipped it over:

And finished it with the sixth (and final) layer:


OH and I also glued a piece of yarn to the back (the wreath isn't very heavy so surprisingly this is all you need):

Since my book wasn't very old and worn and was looking a bit stark white to me so I sprayed it lightly with some left over sparkly metallic spray paint to give it that vintage look. 

 I have a huge crush on this wreath:

This my friends is what I call a "complete look" (even if it took this long to complete it. HA!):

What do you think?!?!  I think it was worth the time to fill up that "Tyra forehead" of a space.  Now I cant wait to find a mirror to hang behind the wreath and a new wooden table to replace the wine table.  Just not loving it here!!  Off to scour Craigslist.............

xoxo JoAnna  

1 comment:

  1. Basiorka loves this.. and all your other blogs! Miss you!


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