Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ace Hardware Paint Freebie

Have you heard about the free quarter gallon can of paint (from the new Clark + Kensington line) that Ace Hardware is giving away?!?!?  I haven't until about five minutes ago and I am tickled pink (or whatever color it is that I chose. HA!).  I came upon this BLOG (so the cook said) where she spilled the paint news with all of her readers about the freebie. I thought I would "color the world" with this tidbit of info too (well color the blog world!). It is this Saturday, March 3 at your local Ace Hardware store. Apparently each store gets about 40 cans to give away. CLICK HERE TO PRINT YOUR COUPON.

I may not have allot of fancy stores in my town..........but we do have an Ace!!  Yippee! That doesn't always mean that I'll actually be able to snag this freebie.  I'm sure they wont have a flippin clue what I'm talking about when I show em my coupon!  That's small town for ya! I can just picture it now:  Me: (giddy and big smile handing the coupon to the cashier) "I'm here to get my free paint".  Cashier: "Say what there pretty lady!"  Me: (opposite of a smile) "Oh never mind.".  It's happened before at our local KFC.  I use coupons.......get over it! Let's just hope that's not the case.  I have faith......cause mamma needs a fresh coat of paint slapped on the front door (and maybe even the garage door.).  Something fun and inviting!  Something antiboring (you know....opposite of me!) and I'm sure a quart of paint will do the trick! (Check out the blog mentioned above and her fabulous door!!  That's what I'm shootin for.)  Oh and after you high five the cashier and walk away with your freebie.....come on back cause I wanna know what color you chose and what project you'll use it for!

xo JoAnna D.


  1. OOOH thanks! Will have to check it out... there's an Ace a few towns over from me.

  2. WHHAAATTT!!! Thank you for that tip! I will so be at my local Ace tomorrow!!


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